CPR - France

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It was just supposed to be a pool party.

Well, with your friends, when was it ever just a pool party.

To celebrate school ending, your friends Gilbert, Francis, and Antonio had invited you to the "totally awesome" pool party they would be having at Gilbert's house on the last day of school.

After school, you walked to Gilbert's house with the trio, his grandfather giving you a curt nod as you walked through the front door (you were the only friend of Gilbert's that he approved of). You nodded back to him with a small smile.

You slipped into one of the bathrooms to change and locked the door behind you ('cause let's be honest, you didn't trust any of the trio not to 'accidentally' walk in on you while you were changing). you changed into your favorite swimsuit and slipped a cover-up on over your swim suit.

Walking out, you discovered that many of your other friends had already arrived, so you headed over to the pool, shrugged off the cover-up and dove in. Many of your friends followed soon after.

Francis, most likely in a display to impress you, jumped off the diving board and tried to perform some kind of complicated dive. When he didn't re-emerge from the water for a minute or two, you started to get concerned.

Diving to the bottom of the pool, you grabbed Francis' arm and quickly kicked your way back up to the top. You dragged him to the edge of the pool and threw him over the edge.

You checked to see if he was conscious, he wasn't, then checked to see if he was breathing, he wasn't. You yelled out, "He's not breathing someone call 911!"

You started a cycle of CPR, thirty chest compressions and two breaths. The rest of your friends gathered around, but you didn't look up.

On your third set of breaths, Francis began coughing and he took in a wheezing breath. He sat up and looked around, see everyone gathered in a circle and you sat next to him. He licked his lips and frowned.

"Was someone kissing me?"


i regret nothing

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