A Broken Doll - Finland

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You sighed, glaring at your white porcelain skin. You were one of Tino's magical dolls. You were life-size; could speak, walk, eat, and even think for yourself. But, you were also very fragile.

Earlier today, you had tripped down the stairs and cracked, like most dolls do.

You felt tears welling up in your eyes, what would Tino think now? You had begun to fall for him, but how could he love you now, a broken doll?

The door opened and you heard your name being called. "(Y/N)?" Tino called.

Picking yourself up, you shuffled over to where his voice had called from.

He looked up and smiled at you, despite the fact that you had cracks all over your body.

Standing up, he took you by the hands and said, "I love you."

You stared at him funny, "But I'm broken."

"I know."


i got this idea for a broken doll drawing and this happened


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