Girl Talk - Seychelles

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Michelle was one of your best friends. And also your only female friend. Don't get the wrong idea, your dudes were awesome. But sometimes you needed some girl talk.

"That one guy in Chemistry keeps trying to be pervy," Michelle began, "I don't know what to do about him."

"Slap him with a dead fish." you suggested.

Michelle paused for a moment, as if actually contemplating your suggestion, before shrugging, "I don't think so. He's kinda cute."

She shifted closer to you on your bed and said, " any guys on your radar?"

You felt yourself blush heavily and she whooped happily, "Finally! What's his name?"

At that moment, your phone buzzed with a text from the guy you were talking about, asking if you wanted to hang out later. Michelle squealed happily and took your phone off the bed. She tapped in your passcode, clicked his contact, and tapped 'Call.'

Almost as quickly as she started the call, you ended it. Breathing heavily, you held the phone to your chest and laid on your back.

It was silent for a few moments before you said:

"I'm so gonna kill you."


It was silent for a few moments before Michelle said:

"So who's 'drummer human?'"


so yeah drummer human is actually kinda my crush so this one hits kinda close to home

I understand this one makes no sense but I'm really tired so screw you

also I just realized that if 'drummer human' ever finds my wattpad then I am so eternally screwed

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