Surprise - Nyo!America

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A blonde haired girl with bright blue eyes walked into the meeting room wearing a white crop top, olive green skirt, and brown bomber jacket. A baseball bat was slung over her shoulder.

As soon as the world laid eyes on her, their jaws dropped. England cleared his throat, "Excuse me miss? You're not supposed to be here."

The girl let out a loud obnoxious laugh, one typically let out by a man named Alfred F. Jones.

Her mood changed instantly and she glared at the world, "I knew I never would have been accepted for who I was. I became someone else to gain your respect."

She let out a small sigh, "But you never did respect me. I figured, what have a I got to lose?"

The girl's back straightened and put her right hand up to her brow in a salute, "The world has forever known me as Alfred Jones. But that's not the whole truth. My name is Amelia F. Jones. Personification of the United States of America. I hope we can get along well."


A low wolf whistle was heard from the corner of the room. The source was (Y/F/N), the country of (C/N).

"Damn," she said, her eyebrows raised, "You swinging my way, America?"


so that happened

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