Watch Your Mouth - Pirate!Spain

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Tied to the mast of the ship of the infamous Captain Carriedo was not how you planned to spend your day.

It was meant to be a calm day, a lovely day by the shores of (C/N). You did in no way expect to be kidnapped by Captain Carriedo and his crew.

So here you were, tied to the mast of the Hermesa Rosa, regretting every decision you ever made in your life. His crew was celebrating around, half of them drunk, at having captured Princess (Y/N) of (C/N).

You rolled your eyes at their stupidity and reached for the knife you always kept strapped to your arm. Once you grabbed it, you got to work sawing at the ropes binding your wrists together.

Soon enough, the captain himself stepped forward, his eyes glinting like emerald gems. "Welcome, princesa! I hope the crew was not to rough with you." You glared at him, "Oh yes of course. Because every girl loves being surrounded by drunken men while she's tied to a mast."

His eyes darkened at before you could blink, he was in front of you, his sword under your chin, "I'd watch your mouth around me, princesa," he whispered, "Wouldn't want something to happen to your pretty face."

Your breath hitched in your throat and the pirate shot you a cocky grin, "You're powerless against me, your highness." You gave a sly smirk as your knife cut through the ropes.

Snatching his sword from his hand, you slipped past the captain and pointed the sword at his neck. "I wouldn't go so far as to say that, Captain Carriedo." You tossed the sword from one hand to the next, never taking your eyes off of him. "I challenge you to a duel Antonio Carriedo. I win, I take my leave. You win, I stay and you may do as you wish to me."

You caught the sword in your dominant hand and got into a fighting position, "Well, of course, unless you're too afraid to lose to a girl."


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