Red Light District - Netherlands

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"Oh wow, Adriaan!" You giggled.

You were visiting your boyfriend, Adriaan, in his home country of the Netherlands. You were spending most of your trip in Amsterdam, but he had taken you on a day trip to the Mauritshuis. It was where your favorite painting, The Girl With The Pearl Earring, was held.

On the way back, you two both stopped in Haarlem to get something to eat. Now you both were walking around Haarlem, you leaning on his arm and ghost of a smile on his lips, your hands interlocked.

About five minutes later, you started noticing a lot of red lights hanging outside of houses. You glanced up at him, your brow furrowed. "Adriaan, what's with all the red lights?"

He looked up and his face went pale. He spun the two of you around and started walking out the way you came.

He leant down to your ear and whispered, "I'll show you what they're doing in there later."

Even though you had no idea what that meant, you couldn't help but blush.


i'm dutch and people really need to give ned more love

inspired by actual events from my trip to the netherlands. stumbling upon this when you're twelve years old is vaguely horrifying

if any of you don't know what the red light district is, look it up cuz I ain't explaining it to you

Hetalia x Reader DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now