Mine! - Korea

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You were walking along the sidewalk, not a care in the world.

At least, not until an obnoxious boy walked up to you. 

The boy had auburn hair and tan skin and he had sunglasses perched on his nose (even though it was nighttime.) When he smiled at you, you could see a gap inbetween his teeth where another one once resided.

"How you doing doll face?" the stranger asked. A smirk spread across his face, "What do you say me and you have a little fun?"

He stepped closer to you and trailed his hand up your arm. You shuddered involuntarily and his smirk grew wider.

Before you could say anything, you felt his hands being ripped off your arms and saw him being blown back by a fist.

At your side was your boyfriend, Yong Soo. He scowled at the stranger and declared, "She belongs to Korea!"

He slunk his arms around your waist and whispered, "Mine."



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