Soldier Boy - Germany

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It was that time of year again. The dreaded eighth grade spring dance. It was the time to send the graduating students off to high school and to 'a happier brighter future.'


You were wearing a low cut, black dress with a (f/c) belt wrapped around your waist. Strapped on your feet were low black wedges.

It was fun, mostly.

That is, it was fun until the DJ decided to play a slow song. And that is how you were stuck dancing with Ludwig Belschmidt, the tall, awkward, German boy that was obsessed with running.

His hands were awkwardly placed in your waist, while your's could barely reach his shoulders.

It was fine for the first half of the song, you two talked, laughed, and relived old memories.

It was fine until you caught him staring at your chest.

You coughed lightly and glared up at him, cocking your eyebrow. He blushed bright red and was about to stammer out an excuse when you cut him off:

"Eyes front, soldier."

Needless to say, he couldn't look at you for the rest of the night.


aaaaand I'm done

this actually happened to me a few months ago

in case you couldn't tell, you and Ludwig are around thirteen in this

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