Ashes - Allies

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The Allies sat in their meeting room, mostly yelling at each other. France and England were screaming about 'sheep' and 'frogs'. Russia and America were arguing about the Cold War. China was yelling about 'immature Western nations.'

Their arguing was interrupted by the door creaking open. Standing in the doorframe was (C/N), an island currently under the control of England. The island was beautiful, but had a very rough history; this had made the personification go insane.

They visibly relaxed. "(C/N), what are you doing?" England asked. The island didn't answer, but simply raised her hand.

Sat in her palm was a kitchen knife. (C/N) gave them a sadistic smile. All that could be heard was their screams.

Hours later the door was opened by a concerned maid who had wondered where the countries had gone.

Sitting in a pool of blood was (C/N). She had a manic glint in her (e/c) eyes. She smiled sadistically and started muttering:

"Ashes, ashes, they all fell down~."

I got this idea watching spn I swear to god I'm not crazy

Hetalia x Reader DrabblesWhere stories live. Discover now