Shall We Continue? - Parent!Spamano

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"Papá! Dad! The movie's starting!" You called up the stairs. You heard a thump and a groan from upstairs followed by the shuffling of feet until you saw your parents standing at the top of the stairs.

Your dad looked happy as ever, a trait he had passed onto you. Meanwhile, your papá looked like he was about to murder you, a trait he had passed onto you as well.

Your parents were Antonio Fernandez Carriedo and Lovino Vargas, two of the most different human beings on the planet. Most people thought you had inherited all your personality traits from your dad, as you always seemed happy. Obviously those people didn't know you very well.

You and your parents settled down to watch the movie and were snuggling (though your papá did this a but reluctantly) when the doorbell rang.

You sighed a little bit and got up off the couch and shuffled lazily to the door. When you opened it, there stood your ex-best friend, a girl who had ignored you when you went to high school, (bitch you hate).

She opened her mouth to say something, but you beat her to it, your odd accent thickening with each word:

"I swear to fucking God! Don't ever come near my goddamn house ever again or I will set your hair on fucking fire! Adios bitchachos!"

You slammed the door in her face, the curl sticking out of your head frizzing up.

You smiled at your parents, your joyful mood back, "So, shall we continue?"

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