Chapter 10

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A/N: Akala ko di na ako makaka-update today. But here it is, tutulog naman ako after haha. 


Sa Cebu piniling mag-internship ng kakambal ko at gusto ko din.

At dahil 'yun ang gusto ko, syempre yun ang pinlano ko, nauna nga lang siyang mag-check at bumisita sa Cebu.

"Princess" I looked at dad while munching my food. My twin flew to Cebu earlier and I didn't join them at the airport because Esme went here with the some of our classmates. "I suddenly remembered that you went home late last time and you called your mom, she talked to this guy. Who is he again? When can we met him?"

"He can't meet you yet, well he's not my boyfriend, in case you want to worry. And his name is Carlo" he chuckled and mom shook her head on what they heard from me.

"So, what is he in my princess' life?" dad asked again, so I pouted. What is he?

Well, he's not my friend anymore. He's not my boyfriend yet. I don't want to call him a suitor, even if he's currently pursuing me.

"Just someone you will surely meet in the future. But not as my friend, but your future son-in-law" I smiled lovingly at him and he literally stopped eating because of what I said.

"She's not a baby anymore, sweetheart" daddy dramatically complained to mom who laughed at him. "I can't believe this. I am prepared for Aczia's early independence in Cebu, but I am not ready on what I just heard from you, Fate" he added as if he's a wounded wolf.

"Dad, seriously? Wala pa nga o, basta I knew my worth and I won't settle for someone who will just hurt me. I will give him time until he's ready to meet you and you will see how serious he is to me" I spoke in the middle of his drama.

He sighed and looked straight at me.

"Yup, just date a man who will deserve you. I can't afford to see you hurt, same to your twin. And even your brother, even if he's a real jerk to girls, that's why I am really afraid that he might get his own karma soon" mom stated that this time.

I pouted and just shrugged. Si Kuya lang naman ang makakarma, dahil wala pa naman akong puso na sinaktan.

"At least, hindi ako makakarma mom at kapag nakarma si kuya, deserve niya 'yun" sabi ko na lang.

I am in my room when I received a call from Carlo. He called me a bit late this time,

And his tired restless face welcomed me when I answered his video call.

"Hey" I softly greeted him and he slowly smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes just like how it used to. He always has the sunshine smile, but now it seems like he is really tired and he just fake a smile. "Tired day at school?"

"Yup" he sighed and lean his head to his pillow. This is my first time seeing him just in his bed, because he usually calls me while he's in school and they have vacant hours and he's not studying, or when he's studying in their house. "Really tired today. I think I need to rest"

"You really should. You're not listening to me 'no!"

"Ginawa ko naman 'yung sinabi mo, I am having at least an hour or two to stop myself from studying or reading my books. Just resting or doing something away from books. Plus, you witnessed how I called you most of the times when I am not studying, because that's what you want and I realizes, I wanted to focus on staring at your face or just listening to your voice when I am talking to you"

"If that's the case, then is it okay if you share to me what happened today? Why are you so tired?" I put my phone on my other pillow while I am laying sideways. Samantalanag siya at tumayo naman at sumandal sa pader.

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