Chapter 21

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I chased him for more than a year to make sure that I will block anything that will make him happy. I chased him so that hee will always be guilty just by seeing my face and feeling my presence around him.

But I guessed I made my own grave now.

After chasing him, he can still be happy and totally moved on from me.

I don't know how long I cried, but when some nurses assisted me, that's when I noticed that I am causing a scene.

"Are you feeling okay now, miss?" one of the nurses asked. Two nurses were in front of me and we are still at the lobby, they gave me a water.

I nodded and glared at the hallway where I saw him and his new girl.

His new girl...

It doesn't hurt that much, but it made me cry because after chasing him, I still lost the game. He proved me that he can be okay and happy even without me.

I can't accept it! I knew I didn't want him to come back anymore. But I can't accept how he can be so happy, after what he did to me.

The main reason I chased him is to just block him from being happy, to make him guilty for so long until I am satisfied. To make him regret from breaking up with me. To make him miserable, until I became happy.

Pero bakit nauna pa siyang sumaya, kaysa sa'kin!? Ako ang sinaktan, bakit ako pa rin ang hindi masaya ngayon?

"Do you need any help? Do you have an appointment to any doctor?" the other nurse asked and I shook my head.

"I'm fine now, sorry to cause a mess earlier. I just kept those tears for so long and I was too weak to hold it a while ago" I apologized and they smiled gently at me. The staff at the reception area called them.

"Is the lady okay already? The boss asked" the receptionist asked them and she looked at me, same with the nurses in front of me before they looked back to her.

"I am fine, sorry for disturbing your day. I just broke down" I explained and she smiled and nodded at me. One of the nurses in front of me went there and the other one remained talking to me, before they finally went back to their duty because I told them that I will go home now.

When I went out of the hospital, I looked back again.

"If you think I am done with you, no I am not. I already cried today, I won't do it again. Hindi ako titigil hanggang hindi ako nagiging masaya habang nagdudusa ka" bulong ko habang nakatingin sa hospital bago ako sumakay sa taxi.

I spent a week planning for my next move, now that he has a new girl, different from the girl he fucked before, I need to make another move on how I can make his life miserable.

And before the day ends, I received a call from my boss who is in the Philippines and he gave me another assignment after I finished my first assignment.

"Interview the most famous and the richest doctor in New York. Same with the most ruthless and the talk of the town bachelor businessman"

"So, I need to interview two people, Sir?" I asked while looking at screen, talking to him.

"Nope, that title belongs to only one man" he said and smiled at me. "And this is your big project this year, because that man don't want to accept any interview. He doesn't entertain journalist or any kind of professional people that will interview him about his life as a doctor or as a businessman. He just always sends someone to represent him, but it's still different if you can really interview him. This will benefit our company and you, because this is something that is too rare to do for journalists like you, that he don't want to talk to"

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