Happy New Year!

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Author's Note: Happy 2024 loves! I hope that all of us will have a great and happier year with our loves ones. And always remember that you should be proud of surviving a whole year and standing up for yourself!


"Doc, your girlfriend just arrived in the hospital. We already told her to just wait you in your office"

And when I heard someone pertaining to 'my girlfriend', I only knew that it's the stubborn journalist. No one

I wonder when will this end? We are both stubborn and that's not something that will help me to throw her away.

Speaking of the devil. Why is she at my hospital when I don't even have a schedule in there today? So, I opened my laptop to connect my system to the CCTV footages at my hospital.

When I watched what she did to her ex, I knew she's too strong to handle someone who isn't even a man enough. I immediately called one of the ortho in my hospital to check her ex, making sure that she won't be in trouble for doing that.

He deserve it anyway, so if ever he will file a case against her for doing that. I will just delete all the evidences that I have.

I don't really know why am I doing this.

Is it because I don't really like seeing a woman cry in front of me? I don't like to see women crying in front fo me.

On my way to the hospital, I bought some drinks that might lift her mood. An ice coffee and ice chocolate, I don't know what she likes. But ice chocolate will be a great help to lift her mood.

I saw her crying during that conversation she had with her ex. That's the first time I saw her cry and I don't really like it. And when she looked directly at the CCTV, I really felt like she's looking at me because I am watching it. As if she's asking for my help, when I knew she won't ever do that.

For a stranger, she's really a pain in the ass.

Ever since she came here and continuously pester me just for that interview, I really can't shoo her away. Aside from that, my family just really have to be on my way protecting her from me. Why is that?

Just fucking why?

I sighed and stared at the drinks on my hand when I entered the hospital. And went directly on the fire exit door she went in to.

I don't know why am I really doing this, but I am still doing it anyway.

"Satisfied?" I asked her when I opened the door and she's seating at the top of the stairs.

When she nodded, I dared to sat beside her.

If we end up fighting before I can give this drink, I will really give up trying to lift her mood today. I am being nice here, so she better be nice to me.

When she went out of my car and dance under the rain, I was about to shout at her from being stupid by doing that. But I realized that she might really need to do that.

She's crying while looking up at the sky, but the rain covered all her tears, so no one will see them.

"I told you, it's not worth it" I shook my head and went out of the car to get the towel on my compartment, same with the umbrella.

She cried for a few minutes before she got tired and sat on the ground.

"What a fucking mess" I whispered while watching her.

The sky is slowly turning dark while she's composing herself on that ground, so I immediately texted Lauris to shop and I will cook a pasta and steak for dinner. I am already starving and I don't really know how long it will take her before she compose herself and stand again.

But, I don't really mind waiting. I don't have anything to do anyway.

Lauris immediately obeyed and told me he will bring it to my home, but my eyes landed on her.

Maybe, I should cook for her too. She doesn't look like she's in the right state of mind to eat at all. Aside from that, she doesn't even look like someone who can cook at all.

Such a pain in the ass. I mentally commented after I told Lauris to deliver it on her address.

Why am I worried anyway? She is really making my head ache.

I watched her stood up on her own. Yes cold girl, you're strong enough to stand on your own. I knew it.

The windows are open during our way to her home, because obviously she is drenched from playing under the rain earlier.

I rolled my eyes when I heard her yawn while we are on the way. What, tired now? She needs to rest, but she needs to eat first. She might even get sick tomorrow because of what happened.

She's not just a nuisance to me, she's also a nuisance to herself. I looked at her again before I shook my head and focused my eyes on the road.

I started preparing my dinner when we arrived. Our dinner.. While she went to her room to fix herself.

She needs that. She need to fix herself, go home to her country and be with her family. That's what she needs the most.

Not the interview. Not that fucking stupid ex of her. Not New York. What she need is to be in her comfort zone. Her family.

I finished the steak first before I prepare the carbonara. I just don't know if she will like it, but I heard my mom saying that my girlfriend is a food lover who can eat anything she will give. I rolled my eyes once again when I remembered how my mom loves this girl.

What's loveable about this cold girl anyway?

After cooking, I set the plates on the table too. I am living alone and I knew household chores, there is no need to ask someone else to do it, if I can do it myself anyway.

I was about to eat, when I remembered that I am not on my home. And there's two steak and two set of utensils at the table.

"Yup, I am with the cold girl" I commented before I went out of her kitchen.

And I saw her on the couch, watching a movie credits? What's interesting on that?

"Cold girl" I called her but she didn't reply. I sighed and went in front of her, but I stopped doing anything when I noticed that she's sleeping peacefully that her lips are slightly parted. I shook my head while staring at her.

She must be really tired from what happened on her today.

Her emotions are all over the place. Anger, sadness and happiness are probably not a good combination for her. I am sure that what she did today exhausted her, but it will be worth it.

As far as I want her to rest and sleep her tired mind, she badly needs to eat.

"Wake up!" I shook her shoulder violently and she frowned before he held my arm tightly, so immediately held her hand before she break my bones. I need my arms and hands as a doctor.

"What!?" she angrily asked while her eyes are still close. "Don't you know that you shouldn't disturb me on my fucking sleep? That's a fucking common sense when you knew me"

"I don't know you and I don't give a damn. Get up and eat, then rest. You need nutrients on your small fucking body" I replied and watched her opened her eyes.

"The hell with that!" she angrily replied, but then she slowly stood up when her stomach grumbled.

I hid my smirk while watching her walk towards the kitchen to have dinner.

Who would have thought that I will have this kind of patience to someone like her? Definitely not me...


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