Chapter 27

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A/N: Merry Christmas and hope you celebrated it happily. Love lots.



"Fate" he spoke and I was about to speak, when his girl arrived and held his arm.

That's when she noticed me. "Hi, good afternoon." she greeted me warmly. "Your patient?" she then ask it to him.

"Uh. Ah friend" he replied while looking at me, before he looked at her.

She frowned and smiled as she looked back to me.

"Hi again, I'm Stacey, uh, his girlfriend, nice to meet you" she introduced herself and that's when Carlo looked at me.

"Stacey, meet Fate. Fate, this is Stacey, my girlfriend" he introduced me to her and her to me.

"Hi, nice to meet you" she grabbed my hand and shook it.

"I'm glad to meet a friend of his, he is not really that friendly and approachable" she happily stated while holding my hand.

Yes, I know.

A nurse arrived in the garden where we were and called her, because her patient needs her. So, she smiled before she left us in the garden.

"Uh, nice to see you" he slowly stated and that's when I looked back to him.

"Can we talk?" I asked and he looked at his watch before he nodded at me.

We went to a bench we saw and I looked at the plants in front of me. I knew I said that I will stop everything now, I still don't know how to begin this conversation.

"How long has it been?" I asked and sighed. "Nearly two years?"

"I'm sorry" he spoke, so I looked at him.

And he's looking at me. His apologetic eyes.

"From what I did. I'm sorry that you have to experienced it, when you didn't deserve it at all." His voice sounds so weak while he's speaking. "I'm sorry that I failed you. I failed to be the man that I promised to be for you"

"I can't forgive you from doing that. Cheating is not something I can't easily forgive, making me feel that I am not enough is something I can't easily forget. That's why I am here, that's why I am chasing you. I don't want you to forget what you did to me. I don't want you to be happy, heck you don't deserve it" I replied and sadly sighed. "Can you tell me why? Why did you cheat on me? because maybe, that's what will make me stop this bullshit" I then looked at him.

If I want to stop now, I need to know his real reason. I need to know if it will be enough for me to step away from him.

"I... I don't think it will work for us" he answered and I frowned.

"So you resorted on cheating on me?" I astoundedly asked him.

Don't fucking tell me that's his reason from cheating on me, because that's absurd! Why will you cheat on someone just because you don't think your relationship is not going to work anymore?

"You can just break up on me... why fucking cheat on me!?" I angrily asked and glared at him.

I told myself that I won't be angry at him during this talk, but what he just stated made me so mad that I don't think I can be nice to him right now.

"I don't want to break up with you" he reasoned out and I chuckled. Katangahan.

"That's bullshit!" I shouted again and I am glad there is no one in this garden right now, aside from us. "You rather cheat on me, fuck someone else, instead of cutting ties with me. Ang tanga mo, nakaka-tangina"

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