Chapter 14

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A/N: Malapit na tayo sa exciting part hihi


I woke up with a heavy headache.

Last night, we visited a newly opened bar in BGC and because it's just once in a blue where my twin can have time, the same way I am free, I immediately agreed on her plan to visit the bar with both of our boyfriends.

My twin is the person I didn't expect to fall in love to someone, but she fell. Now, we both have that significant other aside from each other.

"Why did I drink too much!?" I nagged at myself while massaging my head and trying to remember what happened to my stupid ass last night.

It was ten in the evening when we went to the bar, it's just me and my twin at first because both of our boyfriends have errands to do before they followed us to that bar.

I was just drinking cocktails from the very start, not until my twin challenged me to drink some harder drinks than that. And as someone who loves fun, I did what hshe wants me to do. Even if I knew my tolerance in alcohol.

And after that, I think that's when my boyfriend arrived. If I remembered it right. He just came home after his internship and he went directly at the bar knowing that I can't really be myself when I am drunk.

But after his arrival, I can't remember a lot of things already. I remembered glimpse, but I am not even sure if it's really what happened last night.

"How's my stubborn lady?"

My eyes widen and I saw my boyfriend slowly entering my room with a tray of food, water and I assumed, Advil.

"You're here?" I asked because I am so confused right now. This is the first time I saw him last long inside my unit and he even prepared a breakfast for me.

What did I do last night? How is he still here?

He chuckled. "As expected, you didn't remember what happened last night" he stated and put the tray on the table and sat on my side while I am still lying on the bed and watching him. "Your hair looks like a bird's nest" he shook his head and slowly pulled me up to sit on my bed.

"That's not a compliment. What happened last night?" I pouted and looked at him. He's still wearing the same clothes he wore last night and he don't have a schedule today for his internship. "Did I make a mess?"

"You knew your alcohol tolerance, my love. And when you are drunk, you're a mess already. Do you really have to ask that?" he asked softly and kissed the top of my head. "Good morning, I have meds for your headache because I knew you will need it"

"Thank you, my love and good morning. But I need to wash my face first" he let me do my thing and waited for me. He put the food on the bedtable and gave the medicine to me first.

"Feeling a little better now?" he asked and I nodded. "Time for breakfast then."

And while we are having our breakfast, he started telling me what happened last night.

"At least, I am not super messy last night. I didn't vomit on someone and didn't start a fight. But still a mess. Just enough for you to stay here, even if you're nervous to do that" I replied and he sighed.

"I was so nervous love, I called Tita to ask for their consent to let me sleep here and take care of you after your twin takes care of you last night. When your mother allowed me and your twin gave me her consent to sleep here, then I just made sure you're okay before I went to the couch and sleep" he explained and I pouted before I hugged him sideways while we are having our breakfast in bed.

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