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A/N: Finally the end of this story. Thank you for reaching this far. At first, I really thought of giving second chances for Fate and Carlo, but sometimes, second chance isn't the best option at all. Sometimes, the new people you will meet are the people that will stay with you.

The third story will be posted soon! That will be spicy and scary at the same time :)

Enjoy reading and see you at my next story!


Warning: R-18



Mornings are not complete without her. My days are not complete without hearing her voice or seeing her face, she is literally the last piece of puzzle that will complete my day.

She is not the type of girl I will associate myself into, she's a journalist, she's loud, she's chaotic and she's a mess.

But here I am, loving the loud, chaotic and messiness of an environment that this journalist brought to my life. I am not even complaining about it anymore.

"Leon!" I heard her shout from the kitchen of my unit.

I am currently in the Philippines for her birthday and today is my family's arrival. Someone is excited and she is currently at the kitchen.

She better thank me because I can't resist her. I let her cook something, even if I knew she is not good with that. I knew she can still learn; I can teach her anytime she wants me to.

"Hmm?" I asked the moment I entered the kitchen and she's looking adorable while wearing my apron.

I remembered that the main reason she is cooking is that because she wants to cook something for my mom, she misses her that much. This girl can't even cook for me and she can do it for my mom.

"Can you taste it if it's already good?" she exhaustedly asked. She just cooked adobo, one of her favorite foods, but she already looks so tired.

"You wounded yourself?" I glared at her and held her left hand, there are cuts from knife.

From preparing and cutting the ingredients to cooking, she's did all of that.

"It's nothing, it's not even bleeding anymore" she answered while rolling her eyes at me. "Taste this" she then got a spoon for me to taste the adobo she cooked.

It's salty. Did she put salt instead of sugar?

"You probably use the salt instead of the sugar, crazy lady" I truthfully replied how her adobo is. "Sorry but I did it better, maybe you can let me help you now?"

She's pouting and looking at her adobo, she's too pre-occupied that she didn't notice me mending her cuts.

"This is my first-time cooking this complicated meal. Maalat pa." she whispered and I didn't understand the 'maalat' word, but she looks disappointed to herself from failing her first attempt to cook her favorite. Then she finally gave me her attention. "I'll deal with this. Go back to work or Lauris will really replace your position as a CEO"

"I'll help you here" I ignored her command, so she glared at me.

I shrugged and proceed on doing the necessary things to her adobo.

"Ang tigas ng ulo mo" I heard her nagged at me for being hardheaded. I chuckled at how adorable she is while complaining.

That's how adorable she is everyday because she's always nagging and complaining at me, every damn day.

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