Chapter 18

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That dinner ended immediately. My twin pulled me out fo the restaurant, then she drive me home.

She even strictly told me not to answer if our parents started calling me. She told me not to go to the house and talk to mom or dad, even to Kuya since it is related to business.

Now I am just in my unit, I don't have work because I filed a leave because I am sure that I can't work well with my state right now.

I am so confused on what just happened last night.

Hindi ko gustong makasal sa iba at malinaw 'yun sa magulang ko. Nilinaw ko sa kanila 'yun kaya bakit? Bakit pa rin nila ako ipapakasal sa iba? Para nila akong binebenta para isalba ang kompanya namin at ng kaibigan nila.

I remembered that dad insisted that my boyfriend is cheating on me because of that picture, but I chose to ignore that. Not unless, I am the one who saw it with my two eyes. Not unless, I saw him kissing some girl in front of me, then I won't name him a cheater.

And I won't marry someone else. I won't...

My twin arrived and she looks furioused. Mukhang may magulang na napagalitan, sigurado akong sinermonan sila ng kakambal ko dahil sa nangyari kagabi.

"Tell me the truth, are you happy before this dinner happened?" she immediately asked when I opened the door for her.

"I... am?" I confusedly answered while staring at her.

"Will you do what they wanted you to do? Marry someone you don't even knew?" she asked another question.

"So, they are really planning to marry me" I whispered and sighed before I looked at her. She's my twin and big sister in one body and I knew she's worried about what might happen. "I cannot marry someone else" I answered, because that's what I want to do. I don't want to marry someone else that I don't love. I want to only marry Carlo.

"But if the situation requires me to do so, I will..." if the situation will really pushed me to do what I don't want to do, I might.

I will do that if the situation requires me. It's either my family or Kuya begged me to do that or Carlo is cheating behind my back. Or I don't know!

"What!?" she asked so loud as if I am not in front of her to hear her. "You should not! It's your freedom to choose the partner you will have for the rest of your life. Don't just marry a stranger, just because someone told you so"

I sighed and sat on the couch, she did the same. She's just staring at me as if I am sso stupid for what I stated. Yes it sounded so stupid, even for me. But as long as I have a choice to fight for my freedom, then I will. She doesn't need to worry.

Napatingin ako sa kanya at sa kunot pa lang ng noo niya, parang nagsasabi ng wag ko siyang inisin pa lalo.

"They're not just someone, twin sis. They're our parents and they knew what's the best for us" I replied and she sighed. But of course, that doesn't mean I will obey them. She doesn't want to be mad, but I am pushing her buttons.

"I want you to understand that it's okay to choose your happiness too. If doing what they want them to do will make you miserable, then don't do it" she stated seriously and I smiled.

She's really a big sister to me huh. I appreciate her for being here with me all the damn time that I thought I won't need anyone.

"I will do it if I really have to, twin sis. It's okay, you don't have to worry if I marry someone else" I assured her and it made her frowned again. I won't do it anyway, I am just saying what I might do if I have to.

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