Chapter 20

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When I heard that my twin proceeded on the wedding, I badly wanted to go home. That's not the plan she told me, that's not what supposed to happen.

She told me that she will run away on that wedding, but why the hell did she proceed with that!? I don't get it! The only reason why she convinced me to really go somewhere far, is the promise that she won't sacrifice her freedom for me.

But she did. She broke her own promise.

And if only she didn't make me realize why I am here, I will seriously resched my flight back home. But she told me she will be okay, she told me not to worry and she will handle everything. She told me that I have to stay here and be away from the places that will just remind me of him.

But I think that I won't easily forget him and what he did. I will always remember him because he is a part of my system.

He is just... anywhere.

Going to another country doesn't give me the assurance that I will be distracted from everything that happened to us.

Japan is a nice country, it really is.

There's a lot of distraction, yet some of them still reminds me of him. I remembered that this is one of the countries where I want to visit with him.

Guessed what? I visited it alone...

Fucking fate played with me unexpectedly! I didn't expect it to happen at all, because he's been there for more than a decade. Never thought I will still lose him.

"I can't understand it" I whispered and drank another shot. I don't remember what is the name of the bar I went to and I also don't know how long am I here already. But what I know is, the noise and alcohol somehow comforts me.

I can't understand most of the noises, but because it distract me from having a quiet time, it made me feel at peace at some point of time, because I don't have time to think about him alone.

This time I am with so many people. I am even fucking talking to a guy right now, he's a foreigner but not japanese, because I won't talk to him if I can't understand him.

"You can't understand what?" he asked with his bored tone and sipped on his glass.

Ano nga ulit ang pangalan niya? Ah, doesn't matter! Ang mahalaga, hindi ako malasing ngayong gabi, kahit pakiramdam ko konting inom ay lasing na ako. Pero bawal malasing ng sobra, gumagawa ako ng gulo kapag lasing at ayaw ko nun.

"I can't understand why this happened to us? We've been a part of each other's life for almost a decade, but why does fate have to play this cruel game to our relationship?" I whispered while staring at my glass and smiled sadly. "He is the third man I trusted the most, yet he cheated on me"

"Cheating is normal" he casually replied and I immediately looked at him, glaring because of what he stated.

That isn't fucking normal!

"No!" his lips parted when I shouted at him. "It's not normal. Why is it normal to you? You know what, this is why most men are cheaters because you're normalizing cheating on someone. Is it normal to fucked someone when you are in a relationship!?"

"Why are you mad? I'm just stating facts. It's already what? 21st century. And cheating guys and even girls are already normalized these days"

I rolled my eyes and just sipped on my glass.

"I won't even be surprise if you cheat on your girlfriend or wife" I stated and he chuckled.

"Who told you I have a girlfriend or wife? Wait, is this your way to ask me if I am single?" he cockily replied and I am trying not to punch him because of what he stated.

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