Chapter 13

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On that night where my family met him, I realized how lucky I am to have him and how I really love the family I have.

They treated him with respect and without judgement. They didn't ask him any offensive questions while we are having dinner. Even Kuya is behaving so well and not trying to piss me off, well I am his favorite though. My twin is just silently observing him while we are eating earlier.

Everything-went smoothly. From the time he arrived in our house, using the car he borrowed from his grandfather. Then I fetched him on the gate, my family welcomed him warmly and with a bright smile.

Carlo brought my father a wine, same to Kuya, a bouquet for me, my twin and my mother.

And I knew he was nervous; I can feel it when I held his hand the moment he arrived in front of our house. But then he faced my parents with confidence that I thought he is not nervous anymore, not until he honestly told them that he is nervous because this is his first time meeting them and first time having a girlfriend, so it's a new experience to him.

Yet, even if he's nervous, he answered every question that they are asking him a while ago. About his course, his goals in life, his family, just questions about his life and himself.

He loves the food my mom prepared. I knew I, based on the way he ate it even if he's busy listening to my parents. He is eating happily. He is like that when he loved the food. Although, mom really specifically asked me his favorites, it's still different when he love how it cooked.

My father and brother also respected the fact that he is not into business. They didn't ask him anything related to business, yet he is sometimes saying his opinions when they asked him too. He even shared that his Lolo has a business, so he knew some things, yet he's not into business field.

And my twin just observed him, she didn't ask him anything not like my parents and Kuya. But she smiled at him and it's a great thing, my twin won't smile to someone she doesn't like.

And right now, we are on the last part of our meal. The dessert.

"You looked familiar though" my twin finally spoke and we looked at her. She sipped on her wine and frowned. "Aren't you the guy who were with my twin while waiting for our service before?"

"Yes, before I shifted to nursing, I always made sure that I will wait with her for her service so I am sure that she's safe before I go home. It made me calm with that thought that she's already inside the van before I looked for my own ride home" Carlo answered.

"Thank you for doing that hijo" mom sincerely thanked him and then they proceed on asking him more questions.

"So, you're grandfather actually owned the Lumier Winery and the AV Mall?" Kuya asked this time and of course, all of them are attentive on him. Well, I am attentive as well, because I don't know the answer, he don't usually talk about his Lolo and the business, so obviously I don't know.

"Opo, but he's staying lowkey as he don't want to be involve about media anymore, not like before that he's really in every news broadcast" he answered casually while looking at my father and brother.

They continue talking and asking him questions, and even took him away from my side... for a more private meeting with him.

So, now Kuya, our parents and him is currently on the garden. While I am with my twin and just staying at the living room, waiting for them. Just talking about her opinions about my boyfriend, her observations and just about me having a boyfriend now. She wants me to make sure that Carlo won't hurt me and I am sure of that. I am even sure that he will be my husband in the future.

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