Chapter 4 - loss

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It's now been half of a month. Choso, that man was always coming back and kept hunting in your dreams every single night, whatever you do, whatever effort you make to get rid of it, nothing is working. You have no idea why.

You and yuji became bestfriends, going on a mission together with him, nobara and megumi.
The day after the hard mission at the hospital, it wasn't so successful, you were safe but you had lots of wounds and bruises. Thanks to shoko for helping to treat them.


You, nobara and megumi were sitting on the stairs outside. You were sitting just above your sister, megumi was sitting on the edge. You were all covered in bandaids. It was so silent after yuji's death, all you can hear was birds chirping around.

You placed your elbow on your knee and rested your chin on your hand, your hair was covering the both side of your face just in case your tears will fall while thinking about your bestfriend's death. Moments after the silence, megumi speak up.

"He told us to live long..." his voice was almost like a murmur while looking down. Nobara placed her chin on her hand while looking in the distance.

"But all your problems vanish when you die." She responded. "Is this the first time one of your comrades died?" She questioned in her lower tone.

"It's my first time for a classmate." Megumi replied and sighed. He noticed your silence, you were still in the same position zoning out, your face was blank.

He can't see what your expression was like since the side of your face was still covered with your hair, he can't tell if you were either sad or angry. Your sister and megumi already knew yuji became your bestfriend, more like a brother.

"Y/n.." he said softly while looking at you from the corner of his eyes. You snapped out a little but still refused to move. He decided to move a little closer, he reach out his hand and gently moved your hair away from your face.

"I'm fine.. thanks.." you said quietly but enough for him to hear. "You don't seem fine. Do you want t-." He cut off his words quick after just realizing what he was about to say.

'No it's not time..' he thought before leaning back with a soft sigh.

"I'm not such a soft woman... and i would never cry over the death of someone like him." Nobara said bluntly, but her face already looks like she was about to cry. You and megumi noticed it.

"It's so hot."

"I wonder when we'll get our summer clothes."

Unfamiliar voices started echoing around out of nowhere, you lifted your head quick while wiping a tear on your eye.

"What the hell? You're more depressing than ever! Megumi." A girl with dark green hair in short ponytail and wearing a glasses appeared.

"Zenin-senpai." Megumi responded. "Don't call me by my family na- maki. Maki!" Maki stated bluntly with her hand on her hip.

"Salmon roe." A platinum blonde haired boy appeared behind.

"He really did die. Yesterday, a boy in first year." Now a panda appeared behind the blonde boy. You lifted your eyebrows in surprise.


'Now hold on..' you thought.

Maki darted her head to the panda with a scowl. "YOU COULD HAVE TOLD ME... EAR-LIER!"

"Now i seem like a cold heartless evil!" She grumbled to panda while pointing at the three of you sitting on the stairs.

"Actually that's exactly what you are, you know?" Panda answered back with a pout and the two seem to started arguing.

"Tuna mayo." The blonde boy said casually and now he gave a friendly wave to the three of you.

You slightly nudged megumi to get his attention, your eyes were still locked at the three second years.

"Who are they?" You asked while pointing at them.

"They're our second year senpais." He said while watching them unimpressed.

"Shake shake."


Fun fact: megumi has developed small feelings towards y/n, but he refused to admit knowing she's not for him

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Fun fact: megumi has developed small feelings towards y/n, but he refused to admit knowing she's not for him.

We will do more timeskips, so we're almost there! Please leave a vote. See you in the next chapter, stay safe <33

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