Chapter 44 - finding him

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It's been two hours now, and you just woke up from your sleep. After maki and panda had been healed by shoko, they both had already left. On the other hand, Megumi was still asleep on the bed, recovering from his injuries and getting better.

However, you also noticed that choso hasn't returned yet, and that made you worried since he was gone for longer than he initially said he would.

You got up from the couch, feeling a need to start looking for him if he was not back soon. "Yuji, why is choso not here yet?" You asked itadori, who already woke up before you.

"I was about to ask that too." He replied.

"Let's go find him then." You walked towards the door, and you stopped for a moment "We will be back miss shoko."

She nodded, and you both exited the room and began running outside to start looking for choso. "Choso!" You called out while running but there's no response.

"Where could he have gone?"

"What if he went back to master tengen's place?"

Your eyes lit up with hope "Wait— i really think so.. Let's go!" With that, you and itadori decided to go to tengen's place to see if choso is truly there. The decision to do this was motivated by a mixture of curiosity and concern.

After several minutes that felt like an eternity, you and itadori finally arrived at tengen's place. There, you could see yuki and tengen sitting casually while having a conversation. You did feel relieved, but that feeling didn't last long, choso wasn't there.

"Uh.. hi!" You smiled a little, not wanting to ask them out of nowhere and being straightforward.

"Oh, y/n! Itadori!" Yuki rose from the chair with a bright grin.

"Is there anything you want?" Tengen asked calmly.

You looked at itadori for a second before meeting their gazes again "I know it's a sudden but.. have you seen choso?" You intertwined your fingers through nervousness.

"Choso? I thought he was with you?" Tengen tilted their head.

"He was, but he left and said he will be back at miss shoko's place but he hasn't returned yet until now, and it's been hours already." Your voice was forcefully calm, to mask the worry and desperation that you were feeling.

"Maybe he's just out there clashing? Or jujutsu high to retrieve his remaining brothers?" Yuki added.

"No that's not.."

You looked down the ground, narrowing your eyes while thinking deeply about something. Suddenly, you grabbed itadori's wrist and ran away, leaving tengen and yuki stunned into silence.

"Y/n what was that for?" Itadori asked, being confused and surprised.

You sighed a bit, trailing off "Um, i have an idea.. i think he might be in-"




Too soon. (Choso kamo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now