Chapter 22 - tears

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"The prison realm?!!" You yelled furiously at geto who was slowly disappearing in the shadows. Your knees flopped on the ground and sighed in exasperation.

"Dammit, we didn't even able to kill him." You heard yuki's voice and she looked very frustrated. Her gaze darted over you. "We will find out soon and kill him,  y/n." She said and patted your shoulder.

"Hm right." You murmured before getting up to your feet. As you were about to walk with everyone, you felt someone's hand on your arm, you turned your head only to find choso.

"Stay at my sight.. can you?" He said plainly, trying to hide his concerns. He was already scared to see you getting involved or hurt. Besides, he was still trying to cooldown his temper just right after geto's worse encounter.


Few hours passed

You and yuji were sitting alone on a large staircase in a depressed state. You were resting your face on your palms, feeling empty. The silence was loud, but you decided to ask something.

"Yuji.." you started, sounding distressed. His head was bent down. "Hm?" He replied and his eyes was still locked on the ground.

You stayed quiet for few seconds. "My sister... where is she.." you said, not sounding like a 'question'. Geto's presence earlier had brainwashed you, forgetting nobara's well being.

You are very worried. What happened to her? where might she be right now? Your mind kept wandering about her.

"Ah, nobara.." yuji muttered hesitantly before he slowly and weakly lifted his head to meet your gaze. You were already looking at him with a troubled expression.

Your eyes narrowed as you observed his movement. He started pulling out something. It was, a hammer.

Your sister's hammer

Your eyes went wide and your brows knitted. "Wha-," you were cut off by yuji as he handed 
you the hammer.

"Y/n, she.." yuji paused, thinking whether he will tell you the truth or not. He sighed and decided to tell so. "She's.. dead.. y/n, take this hammer. She told me to give you this." He continued.


"Tell my little sister, that it wasn't so bad." Nobara said her final words with a smile.

"Give this to her, and tell her that don't be too idiot." She added feebly as she layed the hammer on yuji's palm before her body fell straight to the ground.


You froze for several seconds, being speechless. You slowly took the hammer from yuji's hand, your hand was trembling. You remembered what she said hours ago when you were at the clinic.

"If i die just in case, you can have my hammer."

You squeezed your eyes shut 'Why you-' you sighed in sorrow before looking down. You didn't want to cry, but your eyes started watering on its own and you tightened your grip on the hammer.

Yuji moved closer to you, placing his hand on your shoulder and layed his head on it to comfort you.

The two of you stayed in the same position filled with silence. Not until you felt someone walking from behind.

"Y/n, yuji. How are your injuries?" He asked, it was none other than choso. He looked at the two of you, and you immediately wiped your tears.

"Ah, it's- fine." You replied with a forced smile before looking away. Yuji did the same thing.

Choso nodded, before looking back at you. He noticed how his little brother was resting his head on your shoulder and how he was very close to you, no gap. He knew that he was just comforting you, but..

"Glad to know that." Choso said as he reaches out and gently pulled yuji away. So now he's sitting down in between you and yuji instead.

You looked at him from the corner of your eyes with your eyebrows lifted, a bit surprised. "Um.." you mumbled and blinked.

"So.. yuji, don't worry about me. You can return to jujutsu high. And i still have something to collect the remains and the others anyway." Choso began nonchalantly, trying to change the topic.

"I'm not worried about you. The problem isn't whether i want to return or not." Yuji replied while looking down the ground.

You were about to speak but you paused for a second. You cleared your throat "Yuji, if you will return to jujutsu high. I'll come with you. Just, if." You said before looking forward again, looking at the air.

Choso quickly looked at you, his brows was slightly furrowed. You can tell that he was trying to tell you that he don't want you being out of his sight. Like he said earlier.

Your attention shifted back to yuji. "But... i can no longer stay with everyone. I killed to many people, because of sukuna." Yuji said and sighed.

Yuji glanced at you and then to choso. "We also.. killed your little brothers." He added, sadness was evident in his voice. You immediately looked away, a pang of guilt hits you in a slight way again.

Choso's face calmed, but somehow dejected. "It's fine. That was a misunderstanding." Choso replied reassuringly. "If eso and kechizu were in my place. .. they would say the same thing."

There was a moment of silence for few seconds. You get up to your feet first. "We still have to take care of as many cursed spirits as possible." You claimed as you started walking ahead.

"Let's go." Yuji started following behind, so did choso. Because of his long strides, he catches up with you easily, though he was still behind you. He was looking at you by the back of your head.


See you in the next chapter! <3

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See you in the next chapter! <3

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