Chapter 43 - do you still like him?

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During the kyoto's goodwill event, as the battle between tokyo vs kyoto began, you and megumi decided to be paired after the groups have split. Noritoshi kamo was your opponent, and the duel took the three of you inside one of the temples.

You and megumi was standing at the bottom of the set stairs. "You really brought someone with you in order to beat me fushiguro?" Noritoshi stated and readied his arrow.

"Tch so what?" Megumi grumbled, in his pose to activate his shikigami.

Noritoshi fires his arrows with an incredible speed. You were nearly struck, but your reflexes allowed you to dodge. "That was close."

Then you started sprinting toward noritoshi, ready to strike him with your fists but instead you gave him a sharp spin and kicked his ankle to make him fall to the ground. "Megumi can leave, i can beat you alone myself anyway."

Noritoshi grunts, but before he even get up, you straddled his back with your other foot "Y/n!" Megumi called out that made you stop in your tracks.

You saw that he already summoned his shikigami, the max elephant. "Really? I thought we're just doing comba-" Your voice was cut when you felt noritoshi's arm around your neck, he was choking you.

He straddled your body onto the ground as he continued to choke you, not leaving any air for you to breathe. "Aughh!!!" You gagged, struggling to remove his arm.

"Now." Noritoshi tightened his arm, but you reached out your other free hand and pulled his hair hardly.

He winced in pain and backed away "Tsk!" At this point, it seems like you and noritoshi was the only one fighting since megumi disappeared and helped toge.

You held your throat, your voice was raspy after the choke "Now, what. Let's continue?" You catched your breath before regaining your composure.

"Why not." Without another word, he aimed his arrow at you once again and starts firing with a black flash.

You dodge and dodge it from time to time while running before him "Running huh?" He starts chasing behind you with a frustrated look on his face.

You were now running down the hallway, and he almost catch your arm but failed. He grunts in frustration. You suddenly stopped mid hallway, lifting your hands up in surrender.

"I give up."

Noritoshi stopped as well, raising an eyebrow "Immediately?" He was relieved yet confused.

You shrugged, still holding your hands up. "So i won. But is there any reason why you gave up?" His other eye finally opened, because it was always closed.



Deep down, you were starting to develop feelings for him ever since the kyoto sister school was introduced, and he catched your attention and you thought he was cute but never admitted it.

Then suddenly, a loud was appeared and interrupted by the sudden appearance of a large mass of wooden branche.


"Let's get out of here!" The two of you started leaving the temples. "Let's find where megumi and toge are!"

He nodded, and you both dodged the wooden spikes that are attempting to strike you. He surprisingly grabbed both of your arms and pulled you close to him just in case, and you can't help but blush so hard.

Too soon. (Choso kamo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now