Chapter 24 - unserious

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A gigantic cursed spirits with plenty of legs and the other one with huge thorns started climbing the bridge. Not only that, there's more that appeared, a bat looking cursed spirits with weird mouths starts flying around after the three of you.

"Nice bait yuji! I guess." You commented and whispered the last two words. The three of you started running under the bridge to draw out several cursed spirits, somehow choso stops in the distance, leaving you and itadori running whilst the other curses was following you.

"Choso!" You and itadori yelled in unison, not knowing what he was planning. You stopped running briefly and your eyes narrowed.

Choso was suddenly in his firing stance.
"Piercing blood."
Choso started firing effortlessly that killed most of the cursed spirits with a single shot.

You froze in the same spot with your mouth agape. You and itadori exchanged looks before looking back at choso who was standing in the distance like nothing happened.

Did he just killed them all at once? unbelievable... but that doesn't end there. The remaining cursed spirit who was hundred times larger than the rest started leaping towards choso while he was unaware.

"Yuji! The last one is coming to choso!" You called out as you started sprinting where choso was. Itadori followed behind with his readid divergence.

The cursed spirit's smoke trap surrounds around choso, effecting difficulty for you to attack. "Dammit!" You pulled out your sister's hammer, nonetheless you have no idea how to use it since you didn't inherited it. So instead, you decided to use other tricks.

You glanced at itadori behind you before looking forward again. Once you made it out under the bridge, you dashed through the smoke.

No lies, the smoke smelled terrible, no wonder it came from a bat-like cursed spirit. You covered your nose while trying to spot choso. "Where's he!?" You grunted mixed with concern.

It's like a wife worrying about his husband

"Where the h-" You stopped when the cursed spirit appeared behind who was having a huge grin, showing its filthy sharp teeth. But your attention was taken real quick when someone pulled you by your forearm. It was choso

And whilst the cursed spirit was about to strike, yuji crashed it against the wall with his divergent fist, not giving a time for the cursed spirit's attack. You were taken aback, confused and relieved at the same time.

"Woah, yuji! That was impressive!" You commented without even knowing your back was pressed against choso's chest. You paused before you pulled away gently, and slowly giving him a side look.

"Are you okay by the way?" You asked trying to sound casual, but you looked worried.

Choso nodded "Don't worry about me." He replied before letting go of your forearm. You sighed in relief before glancing back at yuji. Your cheeks were red but you tried to compose it.

You started walking up to yuji while choso was also following. "As impressive as ever, little brother." Choso remarked and the both of you stopped in front of yuji.

"Are you still calling me that?" Yuji replied, turning his head to your direction.

"I'll keep calling you that over and over." Choso replied calmly before adding in a more serious manner "Try to get used to it."

You and yuji exchanged looks like you two usually does. You then started pretending to look around just to hold back your laughter. You can't help but find it amusing and adorable at the same time.

You found choso cute

"Little brother hmm.." Yuji murmured and nodded with a small chuckle. "I'm serious." Choso said, still sounding calm but his face was deadpanned.

You and yuji exchanged looks again, and you stood beside yuji now before you spoke "Erm.. yeah take that seriously yuji." You replied trying to sound serious but the amusement in your voice was evident, making choso deadpan even more.

'They aren't serious.' He thought to himself.

It's true, you and yuji can't take anything serious sometimes. You glanced at choso before back at yuji, a wry smile started forming on your lips, he can sense that you are amused.

You nudged at him and whispered so choso won't able to hear. "Say something." With that, yuji cleared his throat and the both of you looked back at choso who was still in the same spot, looking dead serious.

It's like the two of you were performing a presentation in front of the class without studying

"I rea-" Yuji was cut off when choso speaks "Your father had stitches on his forehead didn't he?" Choso stated, referring about their same father. Leaving yuji confused as his forehead creases.

You knew that he has no idea, so you decided to change the topic to escape it "So um..." This time, you were cut off by yuji who had a grin all of a sudden. "So y/n! About what utahime-san said." He started and that catches choso's attention instantly.

You gulped "uh— what about it?" You replied calmly, trying to look unfazed but your heart started racing. You noticed that yuji started wiggling his eyebrows, you can sense that he's attempting to tease you.

"So what does that mean? You were born by choso's cursed blo-" You playfully smacked yuji's head, but he didn't back down "So that means he's your— by the way I'm confused." Yuji finished with a short laughter. You decided to join in his laughter, though yours was more awkward.

"Ah— haha i have no idea as well." You replied, and meanwhile choso just stood there confused. He heard your conversations.

Sure thing, you have no fully idea what that mark was about. Utahime explained everything, but the whole story thing wasn't confirmed yet... but choso knows everything since the first time his eyes laid on the mark on your back.

You are still young after all, just like his little brother. He's willing to wait before he tells you everything.



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To be continued... thanks for reading and see you in the next chap! Can't also wait for the new episode later aaa <3

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