Chapter 10 - it's him?

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"Gojo sensei?" You muttered under your breath. There was a long haired man with a stitch on his forehead who were walking towards gojo.

"Yo! satoru!

"It's been a while."

Your eyes landed to the long haired man, then you also noticed that there was also someone behind his back, there's 3 of them. One of them has one eyed and a volcano on top of its head, and a blue long haired with stitches.

You immediately froze when your eyes flickered to the man who was wearing a white robe and a purple vest, a two messy buns. You covered your mouth in shocked, it was very identical who kept visiting in your dreams. You heard their names after they exchanged some words to each other.

"That clothes, the hair.. it's very the same.!" You yelled whispered to yourself.

'It's him!!! But the face, I'm not really sure..' you thought while looking at the man's face in the distance. You can admit that he was good looking, a blood mark around his nose with bags around his eyes. He was really handsome.

'Tch stop! Not now self, especially in this situation.' You thought as you shook your head. Your attention drifted back to your sensei.

Your heart rate were increasing. You remained hidden in that spot as you watch the scene, your heart was breaking and you feel helpless, and if you join and help gojo, you will get involved or killed in an instant.

"Gate open." Geto ordered and the cursed object breaks out of its talisman seal and expands into a cycloptic curse with flesh spread out and attached to the four sides of the cube.

Gojo's eyes remained wide and his mouth was agape. The cube's eyes met gojo's. He was deep in thought while looking at geto, you can tell that there's many memories running inside his head.

The prison realm captured gojo, immobilizing him and shutting off all access to his body's cursed energy.

"Goodnight satoru. Let's meet again in another world." You heard what the long haired man said.

"Gate close."

The gate has closed and sealing your sensei at last. The prison realm drops to the ground out of Geto's hand. Meanwhile you were stunned and disdained.

"I- nooo....!" You watched in disbelief and your eyes are starting to get red as if you were about to cry.

Your favorite teacher, the one who helped you train to become stronger, the one who always share his candies with you, the one who kept reminding his students that everything is going to be okay because he is the strongest, has now stuck inside that box.

You placed your palms on your face while controlling your tears. "..tha- that long haired bastard.." you muttered as you clenched your fists. You take a one last peek to them, your eyes being filled with hatred.

Then your eyes flickered to the man who had two messy buns. And as unexpected, he was already looking at you. A small frown was plastered on his face.

Your eyes widened, he caught you hiding in that spot. "Shit..." you cursed under your breath as you got up and started running away as soon as possible to make sure you were out of his sight.


3rd person pov

Choso were looking at the prison realm on the broken ground, the box has turned red and the eyes were already closed. He leaned back again, crossing his arms on his chest as his eyes roamed around the station in boredom and not giving a damn about what mahito is saying.

His eyes soon landed on your figure, your palms were on your face as if you were crying. He knew that you saw everything what just happened, and by looking at your uniform, he can tell that you are a sorcerer. That's when a frown formed on his face after his suspicion was right.

As soon as you started running away, he uncrossed his arms quickly and he was about to chase after you but then mahito stopped him.

"Choso what's with the rush." Mahito said with a smug look before turning back to the volcano head. Choso furrowed his eyebrows in annoyance. "Tch."

"I'm staying here, what about you guys?" Geto said while crossing his arms casually.

"To avenge my brothers, i will kill yuji itadori and y/n kugisaki. Then i'll head to jujutsu high to retrieve the rest of my brothers." Choso replied nonchalantly.

"I dunno who y/n is, but itadori is off limits." The volcano head joined. "We're gonna turn him into sukuna." The volcano head continues.

"I don't care." Choso replied carelessly.

"Huh?" Jogo moved closer in front of choso's face with a scowl on his face, choso did the same and they were about to fight but not until mahito stopped them and pulled them away together.

"Calm down jogo." Mahito exclaimed with a maniacal smile. "And to be honest, i wanna kill y/n and itadori too!" He said while lifting his hands on his sides in enthusiasm.

'I'm sure that girl hiding earlier was y/n. I'm going to kill you and itadori.' Choso thought to himself.


i feel excited to write the next chapter! See you there <33

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i feel excited to write the next chapter!
See you there <33

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