Chapter 35 - curiosity

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You eventually reached your destination, at tengen's place. You were exhausted, both mentally and physically after the encounters. And yes, you need to pass through the white void again. You have no idea where choso, yuki and master tengen went, but you were sure they're just around of course.

"So... self, how can we find them.." You started mumbling to yourself while walking, seeing nothing but all white.

"Should i call out his name?"

"Wait no.! It'll be embarrassing and it'll sound desperate.."

You are looking intently for any sign or hint of their presence. "Dammit.. should i shout i'm here!"

"Hell no.. wait."

You scratched the back of your neck. "Oh well. Screw it." You shrugged before clearing your throat dramatically. You ceased moving forward "Uh— hello! It's y/n kugisa-"


You were caught off guard by the voice that suddenly echoed in the white void. You immediately recognized choso's voice, and you soon noticed his tall figure striding towards your direction.

"Huh, where has he been staying before popping out of nowhere?" You wondered.

You were confused and surprised at the same time. Your attention moved back to choso, who was still striding. He was still in a slight distance away.

Once he reached in front of you, his frame contrasts with your small stature. A soft smile formed "Y/n, I missed you." He pauses briefly before quickly adding "— and my little brother." He blurted out.

You froze for a second as you felt a rush of emotions all at once "I.. uh same here!" You replied and smiled modestly.

Choso pouted a little, he was expecting the same words that he just said but he shoved it off "Follow me so you'll know where we were staying while guarding tengen."

You nodded and followed behind him, moving forward and away from the white void. "So how's yuji and the others? Where are they?" He asked nonchalantly while occasionally stealing glances at you.

"Maki went to her clan i think. I don't know where yuta is, but yuji and megumi are at the fight club doing their missions to find hakari." You explained.

"You didn't joined them?"

"They said there's only two people allowed, so i decided to go back here for a while."

"Hm, okay."

You nodded slightly in return before looking at him, then he immediately looked away, thinking that you just caught him. "Hmm?" You raised an eyebrow at him and chuckled lightly.


The two of you arrived at a small room containing only two divan. To your surprise, Yuki and tengen wasn't there "Where are they?" You questioned curiously.

"I was also wondering." His voice was low, but it was enough for you to hear.


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