Chapter 6 - alive

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"Again! What's your type?" The muscular guy repeated and was getting impatient.

"Why do i have to tell my taste in women with you, someone i just met?" The raven boy responded bluntly.

"Kyoto third- year, toudou aoi. Introduction's over." Toudou responded while moving a bit closer to megumi, expecting him to get scared but he was just looking unimpressed and cold.

"Now we're friends right? Answer me already. I don't care if it's a guy." Toudou said. "I hate boring guys."

There was a moment of silence before megumi speak up. "I... don't really have a type or anything. As long as she has an unbreakable character, i won't ask for more." The raven haired finished his words and he squeezed your shoulder a little tight, making you surprised lightly.

'That squeez wasn't necessary megumi.' You thought before looking back to the muscular guy who was already looking disappointed.

"As I expected, you are boring fushiguro!" Toudou said with a mocking sad expression. Just as you didn't expected, he turned his head to you.

"What's your type in a man?" He suddenly asked you, and you were caught off guard by that. Megumi and nobara flickered their attention to you who has surprised looks.

"Eh?" You raised an eyebrow in disbelief, receiving a nod from toudou.

"What's your type? Just say it." he repeated, making your face turn red and it's either in annoyance or something else.

"Tch... My type is, a type of man who is not you."


"Why's everyone empty handed?" Nobara said while pulling her luggage and panting. You appeared behind her, taking a sip on your drink casually.

"Y/n you too? H- wait-." Nobara said in disbelief and you just let out a small chuckle with a shrug.

"Rather, why do you have luggage?" Panda said who seemed amused.

"Why..? Aren't we going to tokyo?"

"The sister school reunion at kyoto. Will be held in tokyo." Panda responded who was next to her now, nobara's jaw dropped.

"Now you have to unpack again sister." You said with a close eyed smile in a playful way while walking towards maki, standing next to her.

"Hey, they're here." Maki said while pointing at the third year students incoming. You followed maki's gaze and inumaki stood next to you.

"Oh a reception?"



"Okkotsu isn't even here."

The same people toudou and mai appeared, and now with a robot, a close eyed man, a girl with two pigtails with a broom, and a blue haired girl with asymmetric bangs.

"Shut up. Give us kashiori, yatsuhashi, kuzukiri and sobabouro." You said while holding an imaginary food as an example, your other hand resting on your hip while looking at them nonchalantly.

Too soon. (Choso kamo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now