Chapter 26 - arrival

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"I think i'll have him die! But it'll help if he wrote a little something first!" Naoya replied with an arrogant grin from ear to ear.

You scrunched your eyebrows, you can feel your blood starts heating "What are you to him!?" You questioned, your voice was laced with annoyance.

Naoya's sharp gaze left yuji's and was now flickered to you "It's none of your business girl. I heard megumi is looking for you, too." He replied and the arrogance was still visible.

"Tsk." You scoffed and rolled your eyes mentally. And without warning, naoya used his speed to capture you and the brothers. "He's fast!" Yuji grunts before naoya whacked yuji across the face.

Yuji slides back next to you "Are you okay!?" You asked him in hushed tone and he nodded. You looked back at choso who was now in front of you, and all you can see was his back— purposely blocking your sight to naoya.

"His speed is— strange.." you commented quietly, referring to the blonde guy naoya. His speed allows him to block your attacks.

Your voice was quiet but enough for choso to hear. He slowly went behind you, leaning down to your ear "Just stick close to me." He whispered and his voice was almost audible to you, he glanced back at his little brother who was still throwing a scowl at naoya.

"Yuji." He called out calmly, making yuji snap out real quick. Then you all noticed that naoya was attempting to jump away with his cursed technique

You narrowed your eyes as the three of you darted after him, ready to land hits "What's he planning!!" You grumbled under your breath. Before you can even strike, naoya already jumped away switching his distance, dusting off his kimono.

"Like i said, his speed is really strange!" You uttered with an exasperated sigh. "It's probably a cursed technique." Choso replied before his eyes darts back to the blonde guy.

Naoya cleared his throat, going back to his cockiness "Shall i try..." He spoke coyly and paused, leaving his words hanging for few seconds. "Upping my speed?" He finishes confidently.

That guy is so full of himself

"You still need our permission?" You replied and chuckled jeeringly, replacing naoya's arrogant grin into a sharp glare.

"I wasn't talking to you." Naoya stated coldly, his sharp eyes bore onto yours. "But you were looking at me?" You retorted with a small grin, mimicking his expressions just to mock him.

"Oh? you really think so?" Naoya replied with a low growl. "Surely am." You replied back, ready to roast him. Then suddenly..

"Shh." Choso grabbed the back fabric of your uniform, pulling you away from naoya's sight and placed you behind him once again. You were slightly surprised, but you took a deep breath to calm your nerves.

Then you felt yuji nudged beside you and whispered "You're really just like your sister." He commented as if he was the proud father. You looked at him from the corner of your eyes with an amused smile.

Your attention shifted back to naoya, he was doing something that made you confused. You gently tugged choso's fabric to grab his attention. "What's he doing now?" You asked quietly and curiously.

Too soon. (Choso kamo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now