Chapter 52 - feed

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You watched as choso struggled to use the chopsticks to eat his ramen. It was quite amusing to see the usually composed and stoic man struggling with something as simple as chopsticks. You couldn't help but let out a small chuckle, which caught the attention of Itadori.

"Y/n, did you just teach him how to use chopsticks?" Itadori asked with a laugh, finding the situation quite funny too

Choso paused, giving you a side glance before responding, "I've never used these things in my whole life."

"That's understandable, you're a half cursed anyway-" You cut off your words, making him raise his other brow

"Hmm? That doesn't matter." He replied coolly, and then he handed you the chopsticks he was using

"Ehh? You don't want to eat anymore?" You asked, tilting your head "You just ate two chopsticks of noodles, I don't think that's enough."


You sighed at him for not giving any response "If you're struggling with that chopsticks, you can use a fork."

Before you can even ask for a fork, choso spoke "Feed me, it'll be easier." He replied, causing you to get flustered at the unexpected request

"I- what?" Your eyes widened

"You heard it y/n." You heard panda's teasing voice out of nowhere who were sitting across from you, completely enjoying his three bowls

Caught off guard, you hesitantly took the chopsticks from choso "You know you can just use the fork." You muttered just to mask the blush crossing on your face

He just looked at you and your movements, causing you to get red even more "It's fine." He was waiting patiently

You rubbed the back of your head before picking up few strands of noodles "Alright.. uhhm.." You felt a bit nervous, feeling your heart racing

"Open your mouth."

And there, you started feeding the choso kamo. It was a strange feeling, but you couldn't deny the fluttering feeling in your stomach as you fed him the ramen. Choso seemed to love it even though he was showing no emotion outside, his normally stoic expression softening as he ate

Itadori watched with a grin, thoroughly entertained by the scene. He couldn't help but tease you both, "You know y/n, I've never seen you feed someone, not even fushiguro."

You almost choke in the air at that, and the chopsticks inside choso's mouth you were holding made him choke up a little bit "Oh no, sorry!"

You quickly grabbed the glass of water for him "Here."

"What was that?" Choso trailed off before taking the glass of water and drank it. "Yuji?"

Meanwhile itadori and panda was trying to hold their laughter inside.

You shot them an amused glare especially itadori "Why would you even say that, this has nothing to do with megumi though." You were already in the process of laughing

"I'm just saying-"

You cut him off "I once fed my sister though when she was sick, so choso is probably the second."

"I've never seen nobara being sick." Panda teased

"Baka we haven't even joined that time at jujutsu high yet!"

"Oh— i, hehe!"

"So I'm wondering who would be the third?"

"No more third, now please continue y/n." Choso suddenly chimed in, breaking your attention from them

You snapped out, realizing you weren't done feeding him yet "Oh okay okay." You chuckled and grabbed the chopsticks again

"Tuna tuna."

You turned your head to see who toge was pointing at. It was ijichi, "Y/n kugisaki and yuji itadori." He called the both of you

You were surprised "Wait for a moment." You rose from the chair and approached ijichi outside, itadori also did the same thing beside you

"Who is that?" Asked choso

"It's the assistant at jujutsu high." Maki replied

"Why is he calling them?"

"Both y/n and itadori were once taught by nanami, and he left a letter for them with the assistant 1 month ago. Ijichi completely forgot about it until now."

Choso understood before looking away. Suddenly to their surprise, choso grabbed the chopsticks and started feeding himself.

"Wait I thought you didn't know how to use it?"Panda blurted out, his jaw dropped in surprise

Choso froze for a moment, he had been caught "I just learned it now." Choso responded, trying to come up a reason

But they were not convinced. They exchanged looks, then panda chuckled "I see. You just wanted y/n to feed you, hmm?" he teased, causing choso's heart to race

Choso shrugged, trying to play it cool "Uh..."

"I'll take that as a yes." Said maki


After a minute, you and itadori came back to the table. "We are heading to Jujutsu High after this." You announced

"Is there something wrong?" Choso asked curiously

"No, I just wanted us to head back there to get some rest." You replied, scratching your head sheepishly.

"Oh, okay! Bet!" Panda laughed

"Then let's go." Choso was about to get up from his seat, but you stopped him.

"You're not even done eating yet." You pointed out, gesturing to his half eaten bowl of ramen

You sat down on the chair beside him and grabbed the chopsticks. Both Panda and Maki, looked at each other knowingly. They were already aware that choso knew how to use chopsticks.

Without hesitation, you picked up the strands of noodles and shoved them into choso's mouth before he could even react. "I don't think I can finish those."He mumbled

"Then I will." You replied with a smug grin, taking his bowl

Choso was left stunned, unable to say anything. The blush on his cheeks was completely visible now, watching, more like admiring secretly your carefree eating form closely.


To be continued and see uuu in the next chapterss! And thanks for reading <33

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To be continued and see uuu in the next chapterss! And thanks for reading <33

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