Chapter 41 - carried

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"Y/n where's fushiguro by the way? I can't find him." Itadori came back, confused and embarrassed at the same time as to where megumi currently was.

"Right, follow me. I have to heal him too." You began to walk ahead while the two was following behind.

Choso folded his arms, his expression was unreadable. He looked at itadori beside him and mumbled "Where were you?"

"I was fighting with, chizuru hari." Itadori whispered at him.

"And who is that?"

"A member of reggie star's group."

"What's that?"

"I also don't know." Itadori laughed softly at his curious brother choso.

'I do know, but i feel lazy to explain.' Itadori thought to himself.

"It's fine." Choso looked forward again, his eyes were locked on the back of your head as the three of you still walking.

Itadori's eyes widened 'ehh? How'd he read my mind!'


The three of you reached the place where the unconscious megumi was, and he remained in the same position, his back still against the tree trunk while he was unconscious. You approached his form and knelt in front of him, showing a worried look on your face. "He's badly beaten."

Itadori immediately gave choso a sideway look, slightly nudging him "uhmm chos-"

"I know.." Choso sighed but still, he wasn't feeling guilty, and he remained nonchalant.

You furrowed her eyebrows as you looked back behind you where Itadori and Choso were standing. Then your eyes darted to choso's and that made his heart skip a beat, and he seemed nervous now.

You stayed silent for a few seconds before speaking firmly "Help me carry and bring him to ms. shoko."

"Wait, you can heal right?"

"Not as good as ms. shoko though. So we will bring him there to make sure he'll recover fast."

"Got it!"

Itadori approached you, helping you lift megumi's unconscious body up. Choso remained standing there speechless, not moving.

"Choso." Your voice reached his ears and he quickly snapped out.

He hesitantly helped the two of you. But he was surprisingly almost carrying megumi's whole weight "Let me and itadori carry him." Choso murmured, gently removing your grip around megumi's arms.

You were surprised by that "ohh- okay?" You placed your hands inside your pocket instead, walking next to him him.

As you walk, you noticed how his robe sleeves slightly lifted up as he carried megumi, and you noticed how clearly visible his veins were. For a moment, you found yourself accidentally zoning out and staring at them, but you quickly snapped yourself back to reality and looked away.

Too soon. (Choso kamo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now