Chapter 14 - 2 vs 1 pt.2

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You grumbled as you kicked him on the face but he grabbed your ankle again tightly this time and lifted you up in the air, and you were now upside down.

He glared down at you. "You're too slow." He said nonchalantly before throwing you to the glass of wall with ease. Your back was brutally hit on the glass. The glass shattered in pieces and you grunted in agony as your body started trembling slightly. Your uniform has now few cuts but gladly you had an extra shirt underneath.

"T- this bitc-," You muttered weakly but then the blood started welling down your nose. You glared up at him who was now walking to your direction.

He kneeled down in front of you before speaking in a lower threatening tone "to avenge my brothers. I'll make sure you and itadori will die." He said menacingly and he closed the distance between the two of you so his face was now close to yours, and it made you froze in your tracks.

"But i will end you first. Right now." He continued dismissively before leaning away, but before he even does, you immediately grabbed the back of his head and forcefully headbutted him. He was startled and stumbled backwards.

You freely got up to your feet "shut it!" You grunted before wiping off the blood on your nose. You were slightly dizzy after being easily threw on the glass.

In the distance, you spotted itadori talking with mechamaru through the device. He immediately waved his hand gesturing you to come over. You looked back down to choso who was still on the ground, and you took the chance to run off.

As you were running towards itadori, choso has fully regained his conscious again. He slowly rise up to his feet, glaring at your running figure. "Tch." He starts aiming in an instant and starts firing piercing bloods to your direction.

You got almost hit but you dodge it quickly that made you almost stumble down, but you quickly gained your posture and kept running.

Itadori started running as well ahead after thanking mechamaru about his plan that might work even the slightest. "Y/n follow me!" He ordered and you nod in agreement. You and itadori darts into a small hallway and straight to the bathroom, surprising choso with narrowed eyes.

Choso just stood there before his legs started moving, walking casually while also making his way to the bathroom where you and itadori entered. "What an idiot." He mumbled coldly.

Choso walked into the bathroom and he found Mechamaru's communication puppet attached to the opposite wall.

"All the three of you, so full of love for each other.. and so easy to manipulate. You're a coward choso." Mechamaru said through the device. This made choso furious and he grabbed mechamaru's puppet and destroyed it.

"Too bad for you." Choso commented nonchalantly before tossing the broken puppet away. He looked around with a scowl trying to spot the two of you. "That puppet was your last chance. You've got nowhere to run now Y/n and itadori!"

Meanwhile, itadori was hiding in a stall while you on the other side was hiding behind the door. Choso was prepared to use the condensed blood floating around him to finish the fight, but the water starts splashing around the room and unexpectedly dispels his convergence.

You jumped out of the door "Too bad." You spoke out of nowhere who already appeared behind him. Choso's eyes widened and he turned around to face you, so now itadori also took the chance to appear behind him as well.

Itadori throws a right cross but choso blocked it instantly and slides back. Both you and itadori huffed in frustration before getting into a fighting stance while choso was between the two of you who was in his back stance as the water violently breaks apart the room around.

Now that he is unable to manipulate blood outside his body. He also doesn't quite understand what happened, so he decided to use his other technique.

"Flowing red scale: stack!"

He said while his eyes bore onto yours rather than itadori's, you were slightly confused by that. You looked at itadori who was also confused about choso's logic.

Without warning, choso begins with a left and right jab but itadori managed to dodge it, although you were hit and stumbled backwards. "Pff!" Itadori headbutted choso that sends him sliding back and itadori follows up with a downward punch.

Once you finally got a hold of yourself, you run into choso and backfist him with a side kick. His body was slipped to the stall's door. "Why you-!" He grumbled before getting up fastly, he grabbed your collar and lift you up before aggressively throwing you almost outside the corridor. Your spine made contact with the hard wall.

You groaned and winced in pain and you started coughing bloods because of the impact. "G.. guess you like throwing me away huh.." you commented with a weak chuckle before disappointment took over you.

'I'm so weak.' You mumbled to yourself in defeat while your head was bent down, your eyes was locked on the ground.

"Or maybe he's just too strong." You heard itadori's voice next to you, his face was full of worry and concern. You lifted your head a bit to look at him.

"We can win this, y/n. Let's have a trust to each other. You're not weak." Itadori whispered in reassurance. He gently grabbed your forearms and help you get up.



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To be continued.. see you in the next chapter!

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