Chapter 48 - control

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"What is his plan!?" Panda asked maki.

"I don't know! Let's see."

Choso's eyes was darting back and forth between sukuna and your deceased body on the bed. He felt his heart beating so rapidly in his chest - anticipation, worry and anger.

The four of them watched silently, not interfering in case sukuna will attack them in a second.

"He's forcing y/n to eat the finger!!" Maki yelled.

"Wait.. that means-"

Sukuna had forcefully swallowed the finger down your throat, causing a sensation of shock and disbelief to wash over the room. Sukuna left behind a satisfied and then vanished before itadori switched back to his normal self. "Huh? What happened?"

Itadori's eyes widened, he was struck with a sudden realization about what sukuna did when he was controlling itadori's body just seconds ago.

"Yuji!!" Choso immediately rushed towards itadori with a small frown. "You just switched with sukuna all of a sudden."

"I— wasn't expecting what sukuna just did!!"

"Tsk. Get down there!" Choso sighed in exasperation.

Itadori instantly jumped off the bed, feeling guilty that he had allowed sukuna to switch, it's just sometimes he can't control it. Choso worriedly dashed towards the bed, looking at your face and body with utter intensity, studying and observing it closely to see any sign of sukuna.

The four second years was still left speechless. "I was very sad just minutes ago because y/n is dead. But what on earth just happened!?" Panda spoke, his mouth still parted.

"Sukuna.!!" Maki grumbled and folded her arms in frustration.

"Wait.. so does that mean y/n will live?"

"I can't say it. Sukuna had never possessed a woman and being his vessel before."

"I'm scared.."


"y/n!" Choso's face was now inches away from yours, he was waiting for you to wake up and making sure if it really worked and if sukuna still took over inside.

Now, the huge cut on your neck, the wounds all around your skin have started restoring.

"Kugisaki the second, finally you're-" Panda quickly stopped.


The markings started appearing on your face, arms, and body, a clear indication that sukuna is about to control over.

"Choso, back away!!" Itadori, maki and panda warned him.


"Get off, brat." The sound of your voice was now slightly different, more deeper and colder. Sure, it was still your own body, but sukuna is already in control.

Too soon. (Choso kamo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now