Chapter 11 - nanamin!!

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3rd person pov

"I have no plans to fight you, jogo. So let's make a game out of it." Mahito said with a cocky smile.
"If I encounter y/n and itadori first, i'll kill them. And jogo, if you found itadori, you can offer him the fingers to restore sukuna's powers." He finishes confidently.

"And if I found them first, I'll kill them. Okay?" Choso said nonchalantly while side eyeing him.

"Oh you wanna play too, choso? Heh of course that's okay." Mahito replied in a playful manner. After that, they all finally decided to get moving.
Choso gave a goofy face to either geto and jogo before turning on his heels.

Choso, mahito and dagon started leaving and runing away once the so-called 'game' starts, leaving the volcano head behind, and geto decides to pass and stay behind with the Prison Realm.

"Ready to go!"


2nd person pov

You successfully left the station and went outside. Letting a sigh of relief, you finally found your sister nobara and maki, but you didn't stay any longer since you had to return back to yuji and your team.

You rested your hands on your knees in order to catch your breath. "Damn that was a long ass run." You mumbled to yourself and wipes the sweat off your forehead.

You are about to start moving again but then you heard someone yelling 'nanamin' on top of the building. You knitted your eyebrows and looked up.

"NANAAAAMIINNNN!!!" The voice echoed throughout the city. You took few steps back to take a clearer look while narrowing your eyes.

"Yuji? Why the hell is he yelling nanami's name." You wondered before laughing and finding it amusing. Your laughter died and you decided to go where yuji was.

After getting there, you once again rested your hands on your knees to catch your breath, this time it was worse since you've been running for a while now. You reached the top of the building, and you slowly opened the door.

There, you saw yuji, megumi and a guy with a ski mask rolled up into a beanie around his head. You stayed quiet for a few seconds before letting out a fake cough. Yuji turned around and his eyes widened.

"Y/n! Wait, how did you get here?" Yuji said and was slightly surprised.

You let out a small chuckle. "Running. I also heard you yelling nanami's name." You replied casually as if you didn't just run for about an hour now.

"Oh, so that's y/n?" You heard the guy with beanie said. You turned your head to the guy while tilting your head.

"Yep, that's me." You replied with a smile, you paused for a moment. "Wai- how did you kno-." You were about to ask him but then he cuts you off.

"Megumi told me about it. And oh, i'm takuma ino, just call me ino." He said and bowed his head. Megumi's cheek reddened in embarrassment after being caught, he turned around quick to hide his lower face with his uniform's collar.

Yuji burst out laughing, receiving a smack on his head from megumi. Your cheeks turned a bit red and you decided to laugh it off.

"S- so... i heard that gojo sensei have heen sealed." Megumi said trying to change the conversation. Your face dropped so quick and you bit the inside of your cheek.

"Yeah... i saw it.." you muttered with a sigh but enough for everyone to hear.



The fight between itadori, megumi and the curse user named awasaka has ended. The old man was defeated and being knocked out on the ground.

"We have to get ino out of here." Megumi said while ino's body was layed, he was brutally injured.

"I'll leave ino to you. I'm heading to the station." Itadori said. Megumi's eyebrows furrowed then he sighed in frustration. "Fine, but-." He was cut off by yuji.

" 'If you die, i'll kill you'  Right?" Itadori said with a warm grin. Megumi was surprised by that, then he regained his composure and side eyed the pink haired boy.

"I'll you see you later." Megumi said before standing up.

"Right!" Yuji exclaimed in confidence and started running away.

'Especially you y/n. I want to see you coming back in whole.' Megumi thought to himself one last time before taking ino with him.


Fun fact: choso had been curious about y/n since the last time he caught her hiding in the distance

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Fun fact: choso had been curious about y/n since the last time he caught her hiding in the distance. If mahito didn't stopped him, y/n could probably be dead by now.

We're finally close to that part! This one took me long. It was just the beginning though.
Ik y'all are waiting for y/n and choso together, but i made the story kinda long so that it's connected to the rest of the manga's plot. See you in the next chapter!

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