Chapter 12 - encounter

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10:10 P.M
You made your way to the entrance of shibuya station. To your surprise, the place was completely empty and it looks like it was abandoned. As you run, you unexpectedly spotted itadori who were also running in the same direction and you decided to call him out.

"Itadori!" You called out and raised your hand with a wave to catch his attention. He heard you calling his name and he turned around to see you already running towards him.

"Y/n! I was looking for you though." He said while scratching the back of his neck.

You wiped the sweat on your temple. "Same here, i also just helped my sister fighting that annoying ponytail boy. Gladly nanamin was there to the rescue." You said with a small sigh.

He tilted his head "Really? Well and of course, he's nanamin after all. And glad the two of you are safe." He said with a small chuckle. You returned it and shrugged. You glance around the station before looking back at itadori.

"Anyways, is this the right way though? This place is empty." You said while raising your eyebrows. "I have no idea as well..." itadori replied and he paused for a moment, he lifted his head again to meet your gaze as he spoke. "What if we'll go that way over there, maybe we can spot something." He advised while pointing at the escalator in the distance that seems already stopped working.

Your eyes followed his index. "Well then let's go!" You exclaimed and both of you started running. You followed itadori behind while he leads the way.


Both of you jumped and came down the escalator. In full of disbeliefs, Your eyes widened when you saw the same man, it was choso. You froze a bit after realizing that you and itadori unexpectedly runs into choso who were walking nonchalantly.

He soon spotted the both of you landing on your feet from the escalator, and he immediately recognized you and itadori.

"Itadori yuji and kugisaki y/n!" Choso growled with a lopsided grin out of surprised. His eyebrows drew together as the blood mark across his nose narrowed.

Both of you and itadori stopped in your tracks, the three of you were altered to each other's presence. Without warning, choso readied his firing pose.

"Blood manipulation: Convergence!"

Choso was the one who act first by activating his 'convergence' in an instant, a small two small orbs of blood released between his palms and he started aiming it to your direction. Choso started firing the piercing blood techniques to you and itadori at the speed of sound.

"Itadori watch out!" You exclaimed as you quickly moved away and managed to dodge choso's piercing blood. You stumbled down the ground but itadori was the least to act and he was too late, the piercing blood strikes onto his arm and the blood beam shoots clean through it.

"Crap!" He grunts in pain but he immediately got a hold of himself. Itadori nods his head to you as a signal, and you immediately took it and jumped from the ground.

You and itadori rushes toward choso on his both sides. You were on choso's right side and you instantly threw a forceful punch on his rib while itadori was on his left side and he uppercuts him with his injured arm.

But choso managed to block it with both of his arm, leg and rib. In return, you and yuji was the one who winced in pain.

"Shit..." you cursed under your breath as you almost stumbled backwards.

But choso's guard is hit with a double impact about your hits, something he finds strange. He slides back out after the close combat range. The three of you were standing off face to face with a break in action, you acknowledge the wound on your hand before looking back at choso with a frown. Choso took the opportunity to ask you and yuji about his deceased brothers.

"There's something i want to ask you." Choso started and drooped his eyelids. "Did my younger brothers left any final words with you?" He asked while his eyes bore onto yours.

"What do you mean?" You replied while knitting your eyebrows in confusion, itadori did the same thing. "Younger brothers?"

Choso got annoyed "tch. I'm talking about the two that you both killed." He clarified with a small scowl.

'It was his brothers? They look nothing alike at all.' You thought before clearing your throat.

Your eyes flickered back onto choso's, he was looking at you impatiently. "Ah.. i think his name was eso.. he muttered something about me but i didn't hear it clearly.." you replied and your palms started sweating.

Choso narrowed his eyes "That was it?" He replied with a frustrated tone. You were kinda taken aback by his response and your forehead creased. Itadori placed his hand on your shoulder, his eyes met the ground while trying to remember something. He looked up again to meet choso's gaze which was filled with hatred.

".. yeah, but then... he cried." Itadori said as his eyes met the ground again.

This made choso's eyes widened in shock, his rage grew in an instant causing the line of blood going horizontally across his nose to bubble and distort in shape. A fury comes out in an aura of bloodlust behind him.

"Eso! Kechizu! Take a good look!" Choso exclaimed in menace and the blood behind him forms an intimidating shaped by his malice.



He looked so badass here

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He looked so badass here. See you in the next chapter! <3

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