Chapter 29 - recover

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"What do you mean choso?" Yuji suddenly questioned, making choso snap out and darted his eyes away from megumi

"Mahito once stole sukuna's fingers and the death painting womb. We can do the same thing." Choso replied, his voice has changed a bit before looking back at megumi again. A small frown was forming on his face.

'Why's he carrying her..' Choso thought to himself.

"Who is he?" Everyone looked at megumi who was still carrying you. Yuji was the one who answered first "He's choso."

"You mean your older br-" Choso was cut off by yuji "Erm... we have to go back to jujutsu high now— right?" Yuji rubbed the back of his neck with a chuckle, leaving choso frowning.

"Yes we have to." Yuta started walking first as if he was leading the way. However choso approached megumi, who was confused at him. Choso glanced at your unconscious body in megumi's arms

"I'll carry her." Choso insisted firmly before reaching out his arms to take you, but megumi stepped back. "No, you don't even know her." Megumi refused with a grumpy expression.

"I insist." Choso deadpanned, being annoyed as he clicked his tongue inside. Yuji walked in between them, placing his hand on megumi's shoulder. "Fushiguro, he knows y/n... and ah- it's a long story." He sighed.

"Tch. It doesn't matter." Megumi still refused and ignored it. He started walking as well, following behind yuta. Choso narrowed his eyes and his face was flushed in frustration.

'This boy.' Choso grunts to himself before following behind them, but his eyes was never leaving your form the whole time.

Soon, they all arrived and entered the Jujutsu High, they met yuki and maki inside the same hidden room where gojo had yuji watched movies as training.

"Long time no see.. but not really." Maki turned around with her changed in appearance after jogo's flames.

Megumi gently placed you down on the couch "What happened to y/n?" Maki asked in concern. Choso followed and stood beside the couch where you laid.

"It was during the fight few hours ago. She was hardly thrown with the projection frame." Choso explained, feeling distressed once again.

Maki nodded in understanding. On the other hand, yuji was already asking yuta to heal you "You have a reversed cursed technique right? So go h-" Yuta cuts him off who already understood.

"Yeah, her wounds, and cuts. Okay." Yuta approached the couch. Everyone watched as he started multiplying two negative sources of cursed energy, to form an energy that help regenerates any injuries.

Choso sighed in relief while watching closely. Yuta was focused doing his work, then yuki clasped her hands and spoke "Y/n also needs to change her uniform. It's badly almost tearing off." Yuki suggested, and she already planned that in her mind, that she will let you borrow her ones.

She left the room for a while to get the clothes. "Okay, good." Choso calmed before looking down at you again. Your wounds are starting to recover, thanks to yuta.

"But when is she gonna wake up?" Megumi asked and trailed off. "After this." Yuta replied.

Several minutes later, they all had waited for you to wake up so they can start discussing about 'master tengen' and the plans so no one's gonna miss it.

You started stirring and you were finally beginning to wake up, and choso was the first one who noticed it "Y/n!" His stoic expression was replaced as his eyes lit up. He walked and kneeled down to your level. He tried to hold the urge to hug and touch your cheek, he was so happy that you are okay now.

Too soon. (Choso kamo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now