Chapter 1 - sisters?

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2nd person pov

Morioka station
"It took us four hours just to get to morioka. Time to finally say goodbye to the sticks." Nobara mumbles and you nod.

"We will be in tokyo soon." you said with a sigh but deep down you were excited. Nobara's arm and yours are wrapped to each other while walking side by side.

Both you and your sister were wearing your new jujutsu high school uniform. As the two of you are walking out the station, people were glancing at you and nobara, of course they were looking at your uniforms. Their eyebrows being raised, some of them are in awe and some are confused.

Art not mine

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Art not mine.
(This is your uniform btw! ;) you can add some stockings underneath if you feel uncomfortable about the skirt with a slit. You can also choose what kind of hairstyle you want!)


Ignoring the eyes of people until you both make it out the station. You take in the fresh air, inhaling and exhaled in relief. The wind was blowing your hair beautifully as if you were in a romance movie, you closed your eyes with a serene expression, and all of that disappeared when nobara nudged you on your arm slightly.

You snapped out and jumped a bit, you turned your head to your sister, noticing how she was looking around with her index and thumb under her chin.

"Hey- eh?" You raised your eyebrow, then she looked at you, her face was filled with determination and confidence all of a sudden, you tilt your head and wondering what's on her head.

"What should i do if i get scouted by a talent agent?" She said, making you deadpan with a slight amusement. "Really." you said and still deadpanned and you couldn't help but let out a small chuckle after.

But, you were into it though and of course your energy is always matching your sister's. "i mean, same." You responded with a lopsided smile while long glancing at her. 

Her eyes lit up "Now let's go!" Nobara exclaimed in excitement and the both of you high fives and started moving, forgetting that you both came here to attend the jujutsu high and to be a sorcerer.


3rd person pov

Harajuku station
"Isn't it too little for four people to pass first year?"

"Then have you met anyone else who could see curses?"

Yuji and megumi were having a conversation, yuji placed the ice drop inside his mouth. ".. nah.." his voice were muffled out between the ice drop.
"That's how much of a minority shamans are." Megumi said, placing his other hand inside his pocket while side eyeing the pink haired.

"But didn't you said i was the third year student?" Yuji was now casually sitting on top of the barrier. "Apparently their transfer was decided quite while ago. It's this kind of school so maybe they had some circumstances." Megumi responded before looking away.

Both of the teenagers lifted their eyebrows as soon as the white haired's voice echoed around the station.

"Oh! Thanks for waiting!" Gojo happily waved his hand to them while making his way towards their direction. "The uniform made it on time!" He said while grinning proudly.

"Yup! It fits just right! But it's just a little different from fushiguro's huh!" Yuji said with a grin while slightly grabbing the side of his uniform in content.

'There's even a hoodie' he thought with a smile.

"Well if you have requests, there can be some touch ups made to your uniform" Gojo said while taking a sip on his choco drink.

"Huh? I didn't make any requests though." Yuji said with his mouth slightly agape. "That's 'cause I requested a custom one on my own" the white haired responded confidently.

'I guess it's fine, i like it too' yuji thought and the other two started walking ahead. "Be careful, gojo-sensei has this side of him too." megumi trailed off.

The pink haired turned around realizing they were already walking ahead further, he started jogging up to catch up with them with a small pout.

"More importantly, why are we meeting in harajaku?" The raven haired asked curiously with his hands both inside his pockets.

"The sisters said they wanted to meet up here." The white haired responded making the two teenagers turned their heads to him.

"Sisters?" They both said in unison.


2nd person pov

"Excuse me. Do you have time?" A man in suit who seems and looks like from a modeling agency asked a woman while catching up her steps.

"This is my name card. Would you be interested in modeling?" The same man pulled out his card to show the woman his name, only for him to let out a disappointed look.

"I'm in hurry." The woman responds as she fasten her pace, leaving the man behind.

The man let out a disappointed smile. "Not even a short cha-" before he can even finish his sentence, he felt two hands suddenly grabbing both of his shoulders, forcing him to turn around. His eyes landed at the two young girls.

"Hey you!" You and nobara said in unison and squeezed the man's shoulders tighter. You lift your hand with a thumb while pointing to yourselves confidently, making the man sweat in intimidation and nervousness.

"What about us?"


See you in the next chapter! It's gonna be fun! Love yall <3

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See you in the next chapter! It's gonna be fun! Love yall <3

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