Chapter 20 - frozen

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Then abruptly, the short haired uraume cuts him off by sliding next to geto. It was a non binary. "Step aside. Don't make me wait any longer." Uraume spoke that made choso even more annoyed.

"Get the hell out of my way!" Choso grumbled as he glared at uraume.

'For living things, death is the final and greatest transformation. If noritoshi kamo extended his life by moving from body to body, and that risky thing marble experiment.. then nothing is impossible. That must mean, yuji is my younger brother! And y/n is my-.,' Choso was cut off by his thoughts when he was pushed away to the distance by uraume.

"Tch!" He hissed under his breath. Without another word, choso went back to his serious and stoic demeanor as he immediately stood in his firing stance.

"Blood manipulation: convergence."

Choso started firing piercing blood and it almost strikes to uraume's face at the speed of sound. Then geto sidesteps the attack while it drills a hole through uraume's cursed energy hands.

"It's fast! So this is piercing blood!" Uraume spluttered while struggling their defensive posture.

Choso instantly swings the stream of blood following the blood arrow to slash at Geto. This cause the ground to break. Then geto spoke mid fight. "Don't push yourself. You must be tired." He said while having a small grin on his face.

"So what? That's not the reason to not put my life on the line for my little brother and y/n." Choso deadpans.

The fight between choso and geto continues, meanwhile you and yuji were distracted because of panda. "I'm just asking.. what is he really to you two hm?" Panda asked while crossing his arms as if he was the referee.

"I have no idea, i was taken by shock and zoning out for real." You replied while scratching the back of your neck. "Yeah, and hell we almost got killed earlier because of him too." Yuji replied before looking back at the scene.

'So y/n are you yuji's sister in law.?' Panda thought to himself playfully and chuckled. You looked back at panda who was chuckling with himself alone.

Then you looked back at yuji, realizing you two were the only one sitting on the ground while the rest are fighting and standing for themselves. You immediately nudged his arm. "Itadori, let's get moving too!" You said as your face flushed.

You helped him get up on his feet and you started running. You soon realized that mai's rifle was still placed from where you were sitting before. You immediately dashed back there and picked it up.

"Now this is the second time. Maybe i can finally headshot geto." You mumbled to yourself but panda overheard it and he let out a small snicker. You playfully glared at him. "Why are you laughing." You deadpan that made him even laugh more.

"Nevermind. Let's go!" With that, panda goes on a gorilla mode and he placed you on top of his back so you can easily shot whoever you want.. i mean, only geto and uraume. He started running that made you almost fall down but you quickly regained your posture.

"Hey forehead stitch!" You called out to geto, his eyes drifted away from choso and he turned his head to you. You instantly aimed the rifle straight to his head and pulled the trigger without hesitation. The bullet echoed, but then panda moved so the bullet landed on the ground instead. You groaned in frustration.

"Ughh pandaaaa!!" You grumbled with a grumpy look. "Ooopsiee my bad." He replied as he started running again.

Then panda activates his Unblockable Drumming Beat technique that ensures all the original force of Panda's blow will transfer directly into the enemy's body. Because of the impact, you fell from panda's back and landed on your stomach on the ground.

"Nice one." You mumbled before getting up to your feet, but before you do, choso already came before you. He reached out his hand to help you get up.

"Y/n." He said in a soft tone as if he didn't just fought geto like a beast. Your forehead creased slightly, you were still awkward around him after what utahime said and panda's teasing.

You almost refused his gesture but you gladly accepted it. You took his hand, it surely was warm.
"Thanks." You said before dusting off your uniform. But then..

"Ice formation: Frost calm!"

Uraume's voice echoed through the station and an icy mist released that made all of you freeze. "What the!" You grumbled in shock and you can't move, though.. choso was still holding your hand, you tried to pull it but the ice was too strong.

"One wrong move! And we will be ripped all apart!" Kusakabe spoke and he was also frozen. You let out an exaggerated sigh while glaring at uraume.

"Don't kill them. I need a messenger." Geto told uraume with a lopsided smirk.

"Pff is that reason enough to let everyone live?" Uraume replied being irritated, then uraume's eyes flickered to you, your blood began boiling again.

'Now what the hell do that old looking hair want.' You mumbled to yourself as you rolled your eyes mentally before looking away. You snapped back to reality when you felt choso squeezed your hand.

"This ice isn't enough to hold me!" He said through his gritted teeth.

"Flowing red scale!"

Choso activates his flowing red scale to rapidly increase his body's temperature and melt the ice. Not until uraume quickly appeared in front of choso with a frozen tipped finger pointing at his face. Your eyes went wide in panic.

"Then how much is this?" Uraume spoke while still pointing the sharp tipped finger on choso's face, almost near his eyes.

'This bastard.!' You thought as you tried to aim them the rifle on your other free hand which was still holding it. You managed to slightly move your hand and enough for it to aim on uraume's feet.

'Ugh the ice is too strong! I can't move it!' You thought in frustration, but then you soon realized it was already aimed. So you immediately pulled the trigger and the bullet pierced on uraume's feet that made them stumble down the ground.

"Gaackkk!!" They winced in pain. Choso looked at you with wide eyes. "Y/n!" His lips curved into a small smile.

And then there's one of the only ones who wasn't frozen, it was none other than yuji. He drop kicks choso and you out of the ice. You were finally free from the ice and you immediately got up.

"Good job itadori!" You exclaimed with a thumbs up that made geto and uraume glare at you, but you just smiled at them playfully before running away along with choso and the others.



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To be continued....
See you in the next chapter! <3

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