Chapter 53 - longing

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"Done." You finished choso's bowl before stretching your arms above your head

Choso watched you the whole time and his mind was wandering at the same time. He was still processing what to react or say, then he spoke after a few seconds "Ah- did you just-"

"Yep, you didn't want to finish it so i did." You replied

He paused before nodding a little "Okay, that was quick."

You chuckled before looking at panda, and you noticed that he was still eating his two bowls of food. You, choso and the others were just standing there waiting patiently for panda to finish

"Panda, I think you should hurry." you said, crossing your arms and sounding a little amused.

Panda, who had been too engrossed in his food finally looked up at you with a sheepish expression. "Sorry guys, I just can't resist these noodles," he said with a grin

You chuckled shortly before glancing at choso, his eyes were almost closing and he seemed more tired than ever even though he already looked like one. You nudged him lightly "You alright?"

Choso snapped out of his daze and gave you a quick stare. "I am." he replied, his voice soft and reassuring. However, you could see that his face didn't match his words

You furrowed your eyebrows, feeling skeptical ".. are you sure?" Your eyes scanned, down his body, looking for any sign of discomfort but to no avail. You knew that you already healed him

He didn't say anything back, but instead, you heard sukuna's voice inside your head "Asking what's obvious brat?"

You jumped a little as sukuna's maniac laughter echoed inside your head. You stepped away from choso which he didn't notice. You touched the both side of your head "Shut up!" You grumbled under your breath and made your way near the exit door.

The others turned their attention to you as soon as they heard that, it might look crazy and they think that you were talking to yourself.

"Tuna tuna."



"You alright?"

Your face flushed in embarrassment, standing up straight again "I'm fine, it's just-"

"Sukuna." Itadori chimed with a knowing look. "Right." You sighed.

"Panda is already done eating, we can all go now."


The sun was setting as all of you arrived at the Jujutsu High. The place was... well, quiet and dead. You couldn't help but let out a small sigh as you looked around. "Shibuya was so messed up. Wish we never came." you muttered to yourself, remembering the chaos and destruction that had taken place during the Shibuya incident.

You made your way to your dorm, feeling a heaviness in your heart. "It feels incomplete without Gojo-sensei and my sister," you said out loud, the words slipping out of your mouth without you even realizing it. Guilt, anger, sadness, frustration, and a mix of other emotions flooded through you. The memories of what had happened in Shibuya replayed in your mind, leaving you feeling overwhelmed.

You sat on the edge of your bed, the weight of everything that had happened weighing heavily on you. But you were still breathing , still alive. And for that, you were grateful. But at the same time, you couldn't help but feel the pain of losing your loved ones.

Tears started streaming down your face as you wrapped your arms around your legs. You were only fourteen, but you had been through so much. Young enough to experience all of that.

You were grateful for your friends who had been there with you during the Shibuya incident. And you were also grateful for choso, your mate. But you also couldn't understand your feelings towards him, not yet at least. You saw him as an older brother, and choso understood that. But he couldn't help but hope for something more.

There was a knock on your door, interrupting your thoughts. You quickly wiped away your tears. "Uh... who's there?"

Choso entered "Everything alright?" He asked, noticing how your eyes was red. You nodded "Yep. What are you doing here?" Forcing a thin line smile.

"You were crying." Choso stated calmly before closing the door behind him. "How did he know?" You thought to yourself. "My eyes were itching." You replied.

He shook his head lightly, walked and pulled a chair next to your bed. He sat down and looked at you in concern "They aren't." Choso isn't really good when it comes to comforting someone but he tries.

You paused and looked away "I'm fine now." You mumbled "Just thinking about my sister. It's been days." You were so distracted fighting during the incident that you almost forgot about your sister's death, and now you are carrying the heaviness inside you as you settled in your room, everything starts giving you flashbacks as if it's waiting for the right timing now that you're alone. Glad choso entered.

He could feel the sadness and pain in your heart, and he knew exactly how you felt. Both of you had lost someone important to you. "How did you know i was crying?" You asked.

Choso broke the eye contact for a moment "I just felt it... Is it creepy?" He replied, feeling the heat on his cheeks.

Your eyebrows raised, you can't help but let out a small chuckle "It's not. Thanks for checking though." You smiled and he nodded, fighting the urge to reach out and touch you and to comfort you.

"You must also check yuji, he's in his room." You said, also worrying about your bestfriend. "I already did and he's already fast asleep." He replied

"How about the others?"

"They can handle themselves."

You tilt your head, slightly surprised by that. Well, choso is being choso "You have to rest as well, go to sleep." He suggests calmly. "If you want." He added

"Okay." You chuckled lightly before grabbing your blanket, laying down on your back. You yawned a bit before closing your eyes.

After almost a minute, you opened your eyes again, noticing he was still there looking at you "I-"

"Sorry." He immediately rose from the chair and closed the light before closing the door.


Hiii guys, it's been so long and sorry for not updating. Welp, here i am again! thanks for reading and see you in the next chapter <3333

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14 ⏰

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