Chapter 5 - new friends

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Training field
You, nobara and panda were playing in the field. Panda was chasing the both of you meanwhile the other three was sitting in the distance and having a small conversation.

"You're so slow megumi." maki said while resting her polearm on her shoulder.


"Zenin-senpai. What kind of people do you want to save as a shaman?" The raven haired asked blankly.

"Huh? I don't give a damn about who i save." Maki responded casually while her eyes are twitching in frustration after he just called her 'zenin'.

"I shouldn't have asked." The raven boy said and left maki making her scoff, and his gaze flickered to you and panda. "What!? Fushi-guro!! This isn't the time for q&a session!!" Maki grumbled.

On other hand, panda was playfully spinning you and nobara around while he held your ankles.

"Panda we're starting to get dizzy!" You exclaimed with a laughter while being spinned around, though you were actually getting really dizzy but you ignored it since you were having fun.

"Oopsiiee." Panda said sassily in a playful manner. After few seconds, he both tossed you and nobara away, making you fly in the air.

Meanwhile toge got up and ready to catch the both of you, and you still landed on the ground and not even close from where he was.

Meanwhile toge got up and ready to catch the both of you, and you still landed on the ground and not even close from where he was

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You were still dozed on the ground, laying on your stomach. You opened your eyes and quickly jumped to your feet as if you were doing a back flip.

"That was.. that was fun!" You commented with a thumbs up even though you were dizzy but still managed to let out an amused grin.

"No it wasn't! My stomach are hurting because of it!" Your sister said with a scowl while dusting her uniform, you and panda just snickered.

"Mustard leaf." Inumaki let out a small sigh in relief while catching his breath lightly.

Megumi was watching you the whole time and even forgot that maki was also talking to him the whole time. She landed a smack on top of megumi's head.


You were now walking to the vending machine after getting thirsty. You pulled out your coin and pushed it into the machine. You grabbed your strawberry drink, taking a sip on it. You started thinking about the continues dream of yours about that unknown man. It's been weeks and you are starting to get used to it, you were starting to feel less scared about it even though it was threatening yourself during your slumber.

'I wonder who he is.' You thought before taking another sip on your drink.

You jumped slightly at the sudden footsteps behind you, you turned around and it was your sister and megumi walking towards the vending machine too.


Second years' pov

"Huh? Where are the first years?" Panda asked while looking around as if you went missing for years.

"They're on errand" maki said.


"It's today right? That kyoto's school principal's arrival." Panda said with his mouth agape and the blonde boy nodded.



As you were casually having a small talk with your sister and megumi who was listening. A woman with a bob hair, and a muscular tall man with a top knot bun came. Your attention was taken when you heard the guy's voice.

"These guys.. they're okkotsu and the third years' substitutes." The muscular guy said with a stolid face, making you furrow your eyebrows.

"Your classmate died right? Was it painful? Or... was it not?" The guy continued and was closely mocking the three of you. Your temper was slowly rising as you clenched your fists. You tried to regain your composure.

"Yeah it was painful. And it got even worse when i saw your deformed face just now." You managed to respond back while murmuring his words, nobara burst out laughing silently.

The guy's gaze shifted to you giving you a glare. "Tch."

Megumi placed a hand on your shoulder to calm you down. Suddenly, the muscular guy removed his top and was now standing in front of megumi.

"What's your type?" He asked making the raven haired boy stop in his tracks. You raised an eyebrow at his question, finding it amusing at the same time.

"By the way, my type is... a really tall woman with big chest." He continued making your mouths agape a bit.

'His intensions are unclear. This man is ominous.' You thought while side eyeing him and judging his every moves.

"Again! What's your type?" The muscular guy repeated and started to get impatient.

"Why do i have to tell my taste in women with you, someone i just met?" The raven boy responded bluntly.


I hope yall like this chapter! Ik it's gonna be long, but trust the process! stay safe, see you in the next chapter! <33

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I hope yall like this chapter! Ik it's gonna be long, but trust the process! stay safe, see you in the next chapter! <33

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