Chapter 50 - heal

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"Y/n, you know you just knocked choso into the wall just minutes ago." Maki stated calmly.

You froze "I did?" You immediately pulled away from choso with wide eyes.

"That was sukuna, not her." Itadori clarified.

You sighed in relief, but you were still feeling guilty. You looked at choso for a second, realizing his arms are still wrapped around you in a hug. He looked down at you, his expression was unreadable.

You immediately tried to pull away from him once again. But his grip only tightened, and he shook his head. "It's okay," his face was straight but his voice was soft, "I know it wasn't you."

You were silent for a brief moment, and you can feel your cheeks going red. "I— know..." then you gently removed his arms around you "I'm going to look for any injuries from you so i can heal it."


You nodded and started checking for any signs of wounds or injuries on his skin.

Choso stood still, allowing you to inspect him. As you ran your hands, you couldn't help but notice how handsome he was despite the bruises and cuts, his features were still beautiful, it causes your breath to catch in your throat.

You snapped back to reality "Here it is. Just relax." You said, trying to keep your voice steady. You took a deep breath and focused your energy, channeling it into your hands. You gently placed your hands on the cuts around his skin.

"Heal me next!" You heard panda's voice from behind.

"You are okay panda. I don't see any wounds in your skin, even a bit." You replied being slightly amused, and he just pouted.

"Tuna." Also toge, who pointed at his own throat while looking at you, indicating that his throat sore.

"You just need syrup toge." Panda sighed dramatically.

Meanwhile choso tilted his head, looking at you and then to itadori beside him "I remember what that panda said." Choso whispered at him.

You heard it the slightest, you raised an eyebrow while still in the process of healing him "Panda said what?" You tilted your head as well.

Choso turned his head back to you, making eye contact once again and letting itadori explain instead. "Because panda said that he will buy a cough syrup for toge if you were switched back from sukuna."

"Oh... i see.." You chuckled a bit, turning your head to look at panda behind.

"Pandaaa." You began, catching his attention quick. "Aren't you gonna buy toge a cough syrup?"


Panda almost choked in the air after the reminder touched him "Ohh i almost forgot!!" He scratched the back of his head in a sheepish remorse "Uh... do i have a pocket?" Panda asked, making you all confused. He's a panda, so he's wearing nothing.


"That's right, I don't have the money." Panda immediately ran off from the group with a snicker. "You little!" Maki started running after him, then toge and itadori followed suit, leaving you and choso alone.

You laughed at them while shaking your head "He's panda after all." You mumbled to yourself before shifting your focus back to choso and continue healing him.

Your laughter died slowly, realizing you were alone with him. You pretend to clear your throat, focusingon healing him "So..."


"I'm almost done." You could feel his eyes on you, looting on your face. You couldn't tell if he was looking at your cheeks or lips, but you could feel his gaze into you.

And finally, after feeling like it had taken an eternity, you were done healing his cuts and wounds. You pulled away and stepped back "It's back to normal. Look!" You smiled, looking relieved and satisfied.

Choso had actually no idea what to say something else, so he nodded and murmured "Thank you, y/n." You can see it in his eyes that he was more than grateful, but just bad at expressing it in words.

"No problem. Now let's get going and find where those four pandas went." You chuckled lowly, rubbing the back of your head.

"Four pandas." He mumbled in repeat "Yeah, maybe they really went to the store now to buy toge's syrup." You replied and started leading the way by running.

Choso followed behind you. As the both of you searched through the streets, your mood suddenly changed. He could sense your thoughts were troubled, and he slowed down his pace and walked beside you. "What's wrong?"

You were hesitant for a moment "There's a weird sensation on my upper cheeks." You touched the area so he can see where "Do you see something?"

Choso narrowed his eyes to have a better look, and it took several seconds before he responded "It looks similar to yuji's, like before."

Your heart raced, you already knew what he was talking about "Eyes, right?"

"Looks like it."

"Right. Sukuna's eyes." You sighed, and you were not really surprised at all, after getting used seeing yuji having that mark on his upper cheeks, just under his eyes, and now you have it.

"So what, brat?" Sukuna's voice suddenly appeared inside your head out of nowhere. You were startled "Shut up!" You lightly smacked your own head for sukuna to shut up. It worked though.

"What was that?" Choso raised an eyebrow, slightly surprised.

You froze in your tracks, being embarrassed. You immediately regained your composure "Oh- nothing."

"Why did you do that?" Choso narrowed his eyes, he thought you were talking to yourself and the way you smacked your head.

"It was just sukuna. Ignore it." You sighed, being more flustered in embarrassment.

You heard sukuna's laughter inside your head again, you wanted to smack your head once again but choso was observing you intently.


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