Chapter 23 - sincere

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The three of you walked along the bridge across tokyo to hunt down as many cursed spirits as possible. It's almost the middle of the night, the place was dim and silent, only your footsteps can be heard and there's no signs of cursed spirits.

You glanced around, the place looked like an 'apocalypse' and the buildings are destroyed. You felt your legs quite sore from the long walk. You decided to take a sit for a while, choso noticed it and he sat down next to you while yuji just stood to check any signs of cursed spirits.

You cleared your throat, trying to hide your exhaustion "Um.. aren't you getting tired too? uh choso?" You questioned in curiosity, still awkward calling his name.

He definitely doesn't looked tired at all after what happened the whole night. His face might looked like he is, but the way he moves doesn't count though.

"I'm not." Choso replied not looking at you, but he's looking at you from his peripheral vision.

You raised an eyebrow at his response 'while me here, i'm about to die.' You thought. There was a moment of silence for almost a minute, he really is that type who doesn't talk too much. Except when he's in feral...

"Are you? Are you tired?" Choso murmured and broke the silence, he already knew you were tired but still decided to ask so. He's now looking at you, of course you were looking forward and not him because you're still feeling awkward around him.

"Kinda. And.. i'm actually fast asleep already during this time, gojo sensei let us sleep early." You replied glancing at him and looked away quick.

He was still looking at you.. it's like he's staring into your soul, studying on your features. You can feel your heart started beating even faster.

"I see." He replied before his eyebrows knitted. He paused for few seconds "Is something wrong?" He asked softly as he noticed you avoiding his gaze. He's starting to look worried again, he must be thinking that you're still scared of him or what.

Who wouldn't be? he almost killed you and itadori. But it's fine, at least he said 'sorry'

You gave him a sidelong stare, but still not looking at him "No, everything's fine!" You replied trying to sound calm with a faint smile.

Choso didn't believed you but he decided not to push you. He's holding the urge to grab your chin and look at him. "I apologize again. Y/n." Choso spoke again in a softer tone.

You finally looked at him, though your head was still forward but your eyes met his "It's fine! It's already done, me and itadori are... you know, at least we're still alive." You replied with a soft sigh.

'Did i even say that right.' You thought to yourself, getting a little nervous.

Choso stayed quiet for a moment. "I'm glad." He replied, and you can sense the relief in his voice. He looked away but it only lasted in few seconds before he looked at you again.

Suddenly.. he reaches out his hand and gently touched your forehead, his thumb gently tracing on the dried wound near your hairline. "I'm sorry if i did this.. during the fight." He muttered sincerely and sighed in guilt.

You froze, not knowing what to say. You thought that he already moved on from that, but there he is. Worrying about the wound and bruises that he made during the fight between you, itadori and him.

You really didn't expect that he is a soft man for few people he trust or care, and having a fragile heart behind his scary demeanor and presence.

"Um, it's okay!" You told him reassuringly, his hand was still on your forehead. You took a peek on his face, he still has that troubled and worried look on his face. You let out a small sigh.

"No it's not." Choso replied as he moved closer beside you.

"It is." You replied, your voice almost audible that only made choso sighed.

He grabbed something behind him, he stopped for a moment before he gently tapped on your shoulder. You looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

"Here." He murmured as he handed you your nunchuck that he broke. And oh, it was already fixed. Your mouth went agape in surprise

"Wait... did you-" Choso cuts you off as he spoke gently "Yes. I fixed it." He said softly and looked away instantly.

Oh why did he got shy so quick

You took your nunchuck from his hand with a smile. Now you got two weapons, your nunchuck and.. your sister's hammer.

"Thank you, choso!" You said and smiled at him gratefully. He just nodded his head in response, he was now the one avoiding your gaze.

Your attention darted to the pink haired boy who was now clapping his hands above multiple times to draw out several cursed spirits. "Y/n, choso!" Yuji called out that made you get up to your feet real quick.

Back to reality again, you sighed.

"Here's some." Yuji said as he motioned you and choso to run and follow after him.

A gigantic cursed spirits with plenty of legs and the other one with huge thorns started climbing the bridge. Not only that, there's more that appeared, a bat looking cursed spirits with weird mouths starts flying around after the three of you.



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To be continued.. See you in the next chapter! <3

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