Chapter 17 - after you

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11:03 P.M at shibuya hiroo clinic

You slowly woke up feeling dizzy, bandages were now wrapped around your head and your arm.

"Eh? Where am i?" You whispered to yourself. Once you fully opened your eyes, you saw your sister nobara sitting in a chair. "Nobara?" You said while rubbing your other eye.

Nobara's eyes lit up when she heard your voice, she quickly jumped and approached you. "Y/n you're finally awake! I was so worried idiot!" She exclaimed in ecstatic, a bright smile were plastered on her face.

"Hehe my bad. It's just.. a little incident." You chuckled along with her while rubbing the back of your neck. Then the realization and worry hits you after remembering what happened.

'Nah that was worse... I thought i was dead.' You thought while knitting your eyebrows.

"By the way, where's itadori?" You questioned worriedly.

"He's... tsk sukuna is controlling his body now.." Nobara replied with a sigh.

She looked back at you with a grin "And if you asked who brought you here.. panda carried you and shoko treated your injuries." She said while ruffling your hair.

You smiled in relief and felt grateful "Thanks.. thanks a lot to them!" You looked down for a moment before getting up from the bed.

"I'm also very worried about yuji." You muttered before looking up. "And i also lost my weapon because of that choso man! Tch.." You huffed lightly in frustration.

"Don't worry.. if i die just in case, you can have my hammer." Nobara said and it made your heart sunk. Your face dropped and you lightly hit her arm. "Hey don't say that! No one's dying! So come on promise me!" You said before reaching out your hand and lift your pinky.

"Okay, pinky swear." Nobara replied with a close eyed smile.


3rd person pov

Itadori was back on his true form, he's faced with a wasteland that used to be Dogenzaka. There's a skyline in the distance, but a grand portion of Shibuya has been destroyed. Itadori collapses and cried after realizing Sukuna's rampage and that he murdered several people.

"I'm wondering why the heck i have to be executed.. JUST.... DIE ALREADY!!"

"Just me! Just me!"


Tears fell from his eyes and huffs for air. He begins scratching the ground and continuing to tell himself to die, but his grandfather's words invaded his mind.

"Help people.."

He stopped and sits up for a moment "i need to move.. i need to fight.. i need to find y/n too and the others."


2nd person pov

11:28 P.M
You and nobara were running back to the station after you left the clinic. You were following behind her as she leads the way. Suddenly, you heard some noises and huffs in the distance so you stopped, nobara didn't notice you stopped running.

"What's that?" You mumbled to yourself. You take a few steps forward behind the wall and take a peek. Your eyes went wide, it was the same man who almost killed you and yuji. Choso.

You saw him sitting down and leaning up against the door in a depressed position. You narrowed your eyes in confusion and curiosity.


Choso was sitting down in a depressed position while his flashbacks kept coming back. He was shedding tears while rethinking about the memory about his brothers and you.

"Y/n, what are you? I have to know.."

"And yuji..."

"And... what am i?"

Choso murmurs before he slowly got up to his feet, his hands were slightly trembling. "I.. i have to go.."

Before he started walking, he caught you behind the wall. His eyes went wide "Y/N!" He exclaimed in surprise and started rushing towards you without hesitation.

You were taken aback by his sudden action, you quickly leaned away from the wall and started running. "What's happening..!" You yelled whisper to yourself, then you looked behind to see that he was still running after you and it made you more anxious.

'No I don't want to fight again!' You thought to yourself as you sprinted even more.

Choso's tall figure and long strides made him catch you easily "Y/n! Please stop! I'm not going to kill you!" He said before grabbing your arm. You furrowed your eyebrows in disbelief.

"Huh? No what do you want?" You replied before pulling your arm back and you are so confused at his changes all of a sudden. While ago, he wanted to kill you, and now he said he doesn't want to kill you. You glared at him lightly.

"It's just... it's-," He was so nervous and he couldn't find the words to tell you and he knows that you won't believe him. "I'm sorry.." Choso murmured as his eyes met the ground.

You froze for a moment not knowing what to say, but you didn't believed him for now. You took few steps away. "I need to find my sister and yuji." You said and started running without another word.

'Yuji.' Choso repeated inside his mind and he decided to follow behind you secretly.

'Guess i'll make it out to them later.'



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To be continued....

I'm also excited for the new episode later aaaa

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