Chapter 18 - collide

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You never noticed that choso was following behind you the whole time, but he still kept a few distance between to respect your space. You soon arrived at shibuya police station, the place was huge and there's no people around. Not until you heard someone screaming from afar, your heart quickly raced in uneasiness.

"Shit shit please i hope it's not yuji or my sister!!" You hissed as you started rushing and chasing where the sound came from. Meanwhile choso overhead what you said from behind, his eyes flared in worry.

You finally reached your destination, you placed your hand on your chest to calm your rapid pulse out of nervousness. You narrowed your eyes at what you witnessed, someone was running in fear. Running away from itadori.

"...wait... mahito?" Your eyes widened in shock, you cannot believe what you're seeing. Your eyes flickered to yuji who was covered in blood, his uniform has many cuts.

"YUJI!" You called out and started sprinting towards him. You held his forearms and started shaking him to snap him out.

"Yuji!! Can you hear me?" You said aloud and you shook him even harder, and he finally snapped back to reality. "Y-y/n..!" Itadori replied and you sighed in relief before letting go.

"You just defeated that filthy mahito.." you said with a small smile. Itadori returned the smile before he looks down.

"Yeah i did.." he replied with a sigh. You got a little confused about his downcast response, as if he regretted what he did. But no..

'How can i tell her what happened to.. her sister..' itadori pondered to himself in concern and worry.

You noticed how he was looking down, his face was blank but his eyes are filled with sadness. You slightly nudged him. "Oi itadori!"

Suddenly, the air around the station went febrile. Almost like hell. The man with a stitch on his forehead, Geto, he appeared in the distance with an arrogant smile. "Well, well."

Your eyes drifted away from yuji as you turned around. Your blood began boiling in an instant when your eyes landed at none other than geto.

'That was the bastard who sealed gojo sensei.!' You thought while clenching your fists secretly.

The man started laughing all of a sudden. "What the hell are you laughing about!!" You and itadori yelled in unison.

"Oh sorry! I thought i had suddenly started acting like him!" Geto replied with a grin that made your blood steam.

"Is he mocking gojo?" You whispered as you shut your eyes with a frustrated and annoyed sigh.

"Well at least his laugh was worse than gojo sensei." You heard panda who was suddenly next to you and noritoshi was also there next to him. You jumped slightly in surprised.

'Why do they always appear out of nowhere.' you thought slightly amused before looking back at geto.

Abruptly, geto was now holding a black orb from where mahito got sealed. Then he opened his mouth widely before swallowing the black orb. "How foolish." Geto said nonchalantly.

"Man that's disgusting." You heard panda again that seems to judge geto's every movement.

To your surprise, the girl with two pigtails appeared in the sky while sitting on her broom, and she used a lantern as a signal for all of you to attack from long range. Noritoshi was the first one to act by firing cursed energy arrows to geto. But he quickly dodged in with ease.

Then the girl with a bob hair appeared, mai started aiming and shot a bullet towards geto.

"A sniper rifle? I like that!" Geto commented in a mocking tone. Then a giant cursed spirit appeared before mai.

"Mai watch out!" You called out as you jumped to your feet. "Y/n catch this!" She exclaimed as she tossed her rifle to you.

Your mouth went agape "E- eh? I don't know how to-," you catched the rifle although it was slightly heavy. You don't know how to use it but you decided to act instead. You fake cough before glancing off at geto.

"It's my first time.. so my bad if you get hit, mr geto." You said in a mocking manner as you adjusted your aim. Geto immediately moved in a dodge stance to avoid the bullet, but he was surprised that you didn't pulled the trigger.

"Pff how boring." Geto commented with a smug grin. But what he didn't know was you were just waiting for the perfect timing. You immediately spun and slid down the surface, then you instantly pulled the trigger. A sound of a bullet echoed around the station.

"Maybe because you got fooled." You replied. His eyes widened when he felt his lower leg got pierced by a bullet. He looked down and held where he got shot. "Aren't you a feisty one?" He commented trying to keep his cool while he almost stumbled.

Mai quickly gave you a thumbs up with a flirtatious smirk. But immediately, geto activates his maximum uzumaki. The ground destroyed with a blast of condensed cursed energy, leaving a gaping crack in the ground from the impact.

"What the-," you were all dumbstruck and fell down the ground after losing your balances.

Suddenly, choso arrived and he appeared behind you and itadori. Geto was surprised "Oh, greetings choso." He said with his usual arrogant smile. But instead, choso looked like in pure rage just after realizing geto was one of his three parents and toyed with his mother.

You and yuji looked behind, your eyes landed on choso. Choso's eyes was locked on geto, his teeth was gritted in hatred.

"It appears that you noticed." Geto spoke nonchalantly while long glancing at choso.

"So that's the deal huh!?" Choso exclaimed at him furiously. "Noritoshi kamo!!" He yelled in anger at the close eyed guy who was behind panda.

"M- me?" Noritoshi looked surprised. Then panda immediately grabbed you and yuji and pulled you away from choso, he places the both of you behind utahime and kusakabe just in case.

'The hell is happening all of a sudden?' You thought to yourself worriedly and in confusion.

"Huh what does he meant?"

"The blot on the kamo clan! The evilest sorcerer in history."

"If that's true, what's inside geto is over 150 years old!"

"Yeah it makes sense."

You heard utahime, momo, kusakabe and miwa exchanging quick conversation. Utahime sighed before she continues and spoke in a more lower tone so you won't able to hear it.

"Also y/n. She was nobara's adoptive sister. Her real parents was never seen after her birth."



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To be continued...

This one took so long, but i'll write the next chapter quick! See ya there!

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