Chapter 3 - bad dream

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"Tch. Bakas." He mumbled, and without thinking, he grabbed the back of your uniform and drags you away from the pink haired boy. You were taken aback and you immediately shut your mouth, you furrowed your eyebrows while slowly turning your head to megumi.

"Eh?" That's all what came out of your mouth, he was still holding the back of your uniform. You quickly pulled it away making him frown a bit. You let out a small scowl at the sight of your sister and yuji who were still arguing.

"Be quiet." The white haired finally spoke while lifting up his hand professionally, making the other two stopped arguing. You darted your head to gojo, raising your eyebrows in curiosity.

"Well then, i'll announce where we'll be going... we're going to.." Gojo said and purposefully stopped for few seconds dramatically, leaving his words hanging again just like before. The four of you can't help but let out a groan in frustration.


"Sensei there you go again! I know you're jus-." before even yuji can finish his words, gojo already snapped enthusiastically. "We're going to roppongi!" Gojo exclaimed before he added "hehehehe."

Your eyes lit up and sparkled, you quickly dashed to your sister and yuji, they did the same thing.
"Roppongi!" The three of you said in unison, your voices filled with adoration and joy while facing together with your hands clasping in happiness and feeling more excited.


"Huh!!?? This isn't even roppongi!!"

"It's so uncanny!!"


"You liar!"

"Even if it's just roppongi.!"

Instead, you all arrived just in front of the abandoned building. You, nobara and yuji started whining and grumbling at the back while megumi and gojo were talking casually as if he didn't just pranked the three.


~ timeskip ~

It's been 2 weeks since you and your sister's arrival. Your friendship with your classmates have grown, attending classes on time, though megumi was still mostly quiet and grumpy as ever. You and yuji had gotten even more close. You and your sister were sometimes going on a shopping if it's a day off while the two boys were tag along because they had no choice. Yuji was always the one who was helping and carrying nobara's shopping bags while megumi was carrying yours even though you weren't asking for it.

You were sound asleep deeply, your face were in serene while the moonlight touches your peaceful face through the window. You stirred in your sleep slightly, an image of a man started appearing in your dreams, it has began.

You were sitting under a tree, your back was resting against the trunk. You were counting something on your palm, it was some sort of black marbles. You took one of it, lifting it up the sunlight while taking a closer look. "Hm.." you placed the marble back down on your palm. After few minutes you were done counting, there are 50 marbles, you pulled out your small basket and placed the 50 marbles there. The place was peaceful, not until the sky turned red and dark.

In the distance, you can see a standing figure, his body was facing to you. You narrowed your eyes and you started getting up wasting no time, dusting your clothes before backing away with no hesitation and started running away.

"Stay." the voice echoed and it was deep, suddenly you were forced to turn around after you felt someone grabbing your forearm. He was fast. Your eyes widened, his face was blurry but you can see how his hair looks like. A two tied up messy buns, he was wearing a white robe along with a purple v shaped vest. His grip on your forearm tightened as you tried to pull away.

"What are you!?" You blurted out mix with curiosity and confusion. Suddenly, his grip on your forearm tightened even more, his nails started digging deep into your skin until it started bleeding. You groaned in pain while trying your best to pull away, but he was a lot stronger. You tried to kick him but there's no effect.

"You'll see soon, lover." Your arm started bleeding more before it exploded with no mercy.

You gasped and woke up while catching your breath. You were sweating so badly. "What.. what the hell.."
You immediately checked your arm and sighed in relief seeing it wasn't bleeding nor broken.

"That was scary-." Someone started knocking on your door. You snapped out before wiping the sweat around your face, your heart was beating so fast.

"Y/n, it's yuji." His voice was muffled behind the closed door and you can still understand what he said. You sighed in relief. "Um... yeah, what is it?" You responded hesitantly while trying to calm down.

"Mind if you open the door?" He asked, you turned your head to the door. Your heart was now beating even faster, you started overthinking. 'Did he heard me gasping some air after that nightmare? Damn that's embarras-' you thought and let it off with a shrug. "Screw it, it was just a bad dream and nothing more." You mumbled to yourself before getting up from your bed.

You opened the door, only to see the pink haired boy smiling with his eyes closed. He was still awake.

"Hey i hope you're okay. You were having a nightmare again didn't you?" He started, you looked away for a second before looking back at him with a sheepish smile.

"Oh haha.. yeah, and thanks! I'm okay!" You said and pats his shoulder in reassurance. "And oi! It's 2am, you must be sleeping. You don't need to worry about me aight? That's right! Goodnight!" You laughed it off before playfully pushing him out your door, he let out a small laugh.

'I must be sleeping too, tch. That annoying dream..' you thought before snapping out, turning your attention back to yuji.

"Roger that! Goodnight then!" He waved at you before walking off to his own room which was only next to yours. You let out a small sigh in relief before closing your door. You plopped down on your bed again, going back to sleep and hopefully the man won't visit in your dreams again.

'I swear if you visit again' you started drifting off to sleep. This time, it was finally peaceful.


He's watching you! See you in the next chapter! And, dw you will meet him soon in shibuya

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He's watching you! See you in the next chapter! And, dw you will meet him soon in shibuya.

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