Chapter 32 - decide

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You were all surprised by his sudden appearance "So this...person is.. tengen.!"

"Very well." Tengen folded their arms while watching your retreating forms that is now approaching them.

Yuki stops on their left side and asks "Why did you closed off the tombs of the star corridor?"

"I was afraid you might be in alignment with kenjaku. After all, i cannot see into the human heart." Tengen responded.

While they were talking.. on other hand you tapped itadori's shoulder before standing right next to him. Your curiosity eventually got the better of you "Hey.."

Itadori raised an eyebrow before looking at you without moving his head "Hmm?"

"I know this is crazy but. Don't you ever feel curious too about why they look like that?" You whispered and glanced off at tengen before looking back at itadori instantly.

"Wait... yeah, it's strange. Wait a sec." Itadori cleared his throat before interrupting their conversation for a second.

"Ahem... uh, master tengen, why do you look like that?" Itadori asked before regretting it quickly.

Tengen, choso, yuta, megumi, maki and yuki stopped in their tracks and gaped at the two of you.

'Oh shit..' You mumbled to yourself while swallowing hard.

"He sure has guts, cutting an important discussion." Megumi deadpans.

"Yuji.." Choso frowned a bit.

You and Itadori exchanged looks "Wait y/n said-" You cut him off "Wait it's not like that.!"

"But it's like that!"

"It's not!"

"It was like that y/n!"


"Alright, we were both just curious.."

"... yeah, just curious about why tengen looks like that. But in a respectful way."

Your face turned bright red as you avoided their gazes in embarrassment, and itadori did the same.

"But yuji you must have waited after their discussion ended!"

"But you didn't told me."

"I didn't have too.!"

You gently pinched his arm, and without even noticing, choso was now in front of you and itadori. "Okay enough. No need to argue." He sighed softly.

"We are not." Itadori replied by chuckling and nudged your shoulder playfully. "Yeah sure." You rolled your eyes and laughed softly.

"Seriously, what's happening." Maki and yuta remained confused.

"Alright about that, my looks." Tengen smiled and you are being caught off guard, and you thought they'd be mad but it was the opposite.

"I may be immortal, but I'm not immune to aging." Tengen started "After 500 years, you'd look like this too." They smiled before folding their arms again.

"For real?" You cocked your head to the side, feeling a pang of interest "But... I don't think I'd reach the age of 500." You trailed off with a sheepish smile.

'My life was even at 50 50 during the shibuya fights-' You thought with a blank smile.

Choso knitted his eyebrows "You didn't have to mention that." He muttered at you.

Too soon. (Choso kamo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now