Chapter 21 - the mark

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"You're our ally right!?" Itadori asked choso while running alongside. Once the three of you stopped on the safe distance, you dropped the rifle since there's no bullet left. You glanced off at itadori and choso.

"No!" Choso replied. "Huh!?" Itadori replied and his forehead creased in surprise and confusion.

"I'm your older brother." Choso remarked while looking at him from the corner of his eyes. "Take this seriously would ya?" Itadori replied with a small frown.

But choso won't back down of course "Why don't you try calling me big brother?.. Just once...?" choso said while lifting his index only for itadori to ignore him. He lets out a small pout and his brows knitted.

Meanwhile you on the other side, you tried to control your laughter by pretending to look around. Although panda caught you. "Trying to hold your laughter y/n?" Panda called out with a mischievous smirk mid fight.

Your head darted to the panda "Eh? Tsk No." You replied trying to be serious by crossing your arms on your chest so you look like you're frustrated instead. Choso shifted away from itadori before his eyes flickered to yours. You tried not to look at him by watching the others rumbling in the distance.

Few seconds later, you failed. Your eyes slowly moved to choso's "what is it?" You questioned while raising an eyebrow.

Choso cleared his throat first before he spoke "The mark... can i see it?" He asked and that made you gulped. "Wai- why?" You blurted out in surprise. "Just curious.. please?" He replied in a more soft tone. You started looking around to spot utahime but she was nowhere to be seen.

'Nah who will pull down the back of my uniform? Where is she..' you thought as you lightly stomped your feet anxiously before looking back at choso.

"Don't worry i won't look too much." He said in reassurance before he went behind you. Your forehead started sweating now and your heart was racing.

'What's he doing' you thought while not moving.

You could feel that choso started pulling down the collar of the back of your uniform, but gently. Gladly it was only on your upper back. He soon saw the mark that almost resembles the blood mark across his nose.

You cleared your throat "Now, you seen it. You can pull it up again." You said trying to sound and look calm but deep inside, you were about to burst.

Choso was silent for a few moments, as if he was deep in thought while staring at the mark. He reached out his hand and slowly tracing it, you could feel the warmth of his hand. You tried to take a peek to see how he's reacting.

"Uh..." you raised your eyebrows.

'This mark came from mine.. the blood, cursed.. just like utahime explained earlier.' choso thought to himself before he slowly pulled up the collar of your uniform.

You let out a sigh in relief "And yes. I heard what utahime said, it's yours right.." You mumbled and enough for him to hear. Choso was feeling relieved, and happy inside, he wanted to hold you but he knows that this isn't the right time yet.

"Yes." Choso replied as his lips curved into a small smile. Your eyes drifted to momo who was flying down towards the ground.

Momo used her Wind Scythe technique to launch a blade of cursed energy wind from her broom at the two curse users. Uraume is able to block this attack with their bare hands much easier. Your mind shifted back to reality, you immediately jogged towards panda and yuji. As you jogged, you spotted a polearm laying on the ground, it was similar to maki's. You didn't hesitate to pick it up.

Then suddenly, the special grade yuki appears on the battlefield to accompany her shikigami. Your eyes moved to the tall and blonde haired woman.

"What kind of girls are you into?" She asked geto with a light wink. Your mouth curved into a surprise smile.

Yuki asks him if he remembers their conversation eleven years ago. They both wanted to create a world where cursed spirits could no longer exist. However you and itadori watches as the two were having a casual conversation.

"They know each other?" You asked and he nods. "They do i think." Itadori replied and choso was now standing behind the two of you.

Few moments later, yuki's attention drifted to you and itadori right after talking to geto. "He's pissing me off! Let's go beat him down!" Yuki suggested with a playful scowl on her face.

Itadori refused "Sorry I can't move right now." He replied. But however, you were into it. You slowly get up to your feet. "Yes he can't. But.. i do!" You said with a confident grin that made yuki surprised.

Meanwhile choso's mouth was agape "No y/n just stay he-," You cut him off by waving, referring that 'it's fine'. You gave him a close eyed smile before darting away with yuki.

"Panda!" You called out to him to ride on his back so you can easily bypass and attack the forehead stitch and the bob haired uraume. Panda once again goes into a gorilla mode and runs into you. He grabbed your collar and placed you on top of his back while yuki leads the way.

"Isn't this exciting?" Yuki exclaimed in excitement, and your jaw dropped a bit. "I- haha.. maybe." You decided to chuckle it off even though you were nervous.

'No it's not!' You thought while you readid the polearm you're holding that you just luckily found earlier laying on the ground.

Suddenly, several cursed spirits abruptly appear from the curse manipulator, and geto shows Prison Realm where gojo was sealed. You immediately stopped in your tracks.

"Goodbye y/n and itadori." Geto claimed with a faint smile. Your eyes flashed in anger

"Gojo sensei!!" You and itadori yelled in grief. You quickly jumped off from panda's back.

"I expect much from you." Geto said before he disappears into the darkness and made his exit.



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To be continued...
See you in the next chapter! <3

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