Chapter 31 - doors

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All of you made it out the room, however you all stopped in the mid hallways.

"Hold on." You called out to the group and they stopped walking, and you released choso's wrist after realizing you were all lost.


"What is it?" They arched their eyebrows.

"Right. Choso was the one who knows where the door is located right?" You said before looking at yuta who was ahead of the group.

"Yuta. Choso must be the one who's leading the way." You stated and they just realized. You can feel Itadori laughing silently beside you. "What's funny." You nudged him from behind with a quiet chuckle.

"Wait... so okkotsu. Pfft Why did we even followed him in the first place." The grumpy megumi trailed off while rubbing his temples.

"No, why did you ?"

"Tch I'm not talking to you yuki-san."

"You were just behind yuta though."

"But maki- san was beside him."

"None of us even reminded that we've been following this katana boy."

"Tch y/n just did."

Choso crossed his arms over his chest, being quiet the whole time, but he was all ears what they're arguing about. You can sense that he was still in his sulking era temporarily.

"Crap. My bad, sorry hehe." Yuta scratched the back
of his head sheepishly.

Maki smacked his arm "You're the one who's guiding yet you don't even know where it is!" Maki scolded him.

"And now we're lost." Yuki sighed dramatically to mask her slight amusement of the situation.

Their attention drifted back to the quiet choso. "But choso didn't even said a thing. Like reminding us."

"You all didn't gave me a time and just started walking all of a sudden." Choso's voice was sharp but in a calm way. His emotionless eyes bore onto yuta's.

Meanwhile you nudged itadori again who was still in his laughing form. You wanted to laugh as well but decided not to "Alright enough. Lead the way now choso." You formed a smile at him.

"Okay." Choso obeyed as he walked past yuta so he was now ahead of the group. He glanced at you "Behind me." He mumbled that made you tilt your head.

"Behind you?" You raised an eyebrow before glancing at itadori.

He paused for a split second "I think he meant that you must be behind him while he was leading where the door is." Itadori whispered at you.

Your face flushed "Ohh! I see." You chuckled nervously before nodding. "Alright." You approached choso and stopped behind his back.

"Okay, Let's not waste anymore time." Of course megumi scoffed quietly while avoiding the sight.

Choso took the first step and started guiding you all to the correct door. It took not too long for you to get there successfully. All of you stopped in front of the double doors.

Too soon. (Choso kamo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now