Chapter 15 - last hope

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"We can win this, y/n. Let's have a trust to each other. You're not weak." Itadori whispered in reassurance. He gently grabbed your forearms and help you get up.

With itadori's help, you were able to get up from your feet although you are almost at your limit. Choso was knocked on the ground after itadori spun around and land a flying head kick to choso. Nonetheless, he was slowly rising up to his feet.

You tried to use your healing technique for the cuts and wounds on your skin and itadori's as fast as you can even though you haven't reach that full potential yet. You quickly put an act before choso will come and attack again.

"Reversal cursed technique: Restoration."

You multiplied your negative cursed energy by itself to make a positive energy to heal the wounds. But bitterly during the process, choso barged in. That causes your healing process to divert, your eyes flashed with anger and resentment.

"What the hell!"

Choso immediately used his enhanced strength to flick a small Blood Meteorite hidden within his hand, and now it strikes straight to your organs.

"Blood manipulation: Blood meteorite."

With wide eyes, you were taken aback as you felt your vital organ has been pierced and itadori's too. Bloods started streaming down your mouth but you refused to back down. With only one hope left, you got into your fighting stance. You can see your broken nunchuck on the ground after choso broke it.

"Itadori.. for the sake of gojo sensei and our classmates.." You started quietly and enough for him to only hear, although you were already lightheaded but you tried to hold your balance.

Itadori cleared his throat "We have to make sure they can get through here.. to gojo sensei.. even if it means dying.." itadori mumbled to you, you can feel your eyes started watering.

"We have to take him down." He finishes, and you nod slightly. Your eyes flickered back to choso, he was also already in his fighting stance.

"Come." He demanded for you to come closer along with itadori. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion.

"Why would we?" You replied with a frown.

"I said come." He repeated and ignored your question. You knitted your eyebrows and decided to follow hesitantly.

Your legs started moving itself and you slowly walked closer to choso while itadori did the same behind you, and you finally stopped in front of him.

To your surprise and disbelief, he suddenly lifts his arm and smashed your collarbone with another hard hammerfist and you were completely caught off guard. You winced and howled in pain as you flew across the bathroom. And now choso flickered to itadori and did the same thing but even worse. He finishes itadori with a powerful body shot that sent him flying across the room as well.

Itadori crushes into the wall next to you. The wall cracked. "Ita.. itador-," You vomit in bloods before you fell unconscious. Gladly you are still alive, but barely.

Meanwhile choso pulls up his robe and reveals the hardened part of his body. "What a pity."

You and itadori were already collapsed and unconscious while the blood continuously falling from your mouths

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You and itadori were already collapsed and unconscious while the blood continuously falling from your mouths. Choso noticed that the two of you are still breathing, so he goes up and looked down at you and itadori, but his eyes locked back down at you. "Still breathing huh?"

"When you get to the other side.. make sure to ask for my brothers' forgiveness." He said nonchalantly.

"So die already."

He lifted his fist and ready to strike you, however, something suddenly distracts Choso. A memory was born inside choso's brain.. about a past event that never happened.



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To be continued.... See you in the next chapter! <3

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