Chapter 34 - cyan

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Several hours passed.

It's already 5pm, the fight club had already agreed at the two boys. You returned to the parking garage from earlier along with itadori and megumi.

"So y/n, I think you are safe." Itadori broke the silence.

"What do you mean?" You raised your eyebrows.

"Only megumi and i were chosen to be in these acts. The manager refused to include you."

You froze for a brief moment "Hm, is it because I'm a girl.?" You trailed off.

Itadori shrugged "....uh Kind of...?" He grinned sheepishly, then megumi lightly smacked his chest that made Itadori wince.

"No y/n, also because there's only two people allowed." Megumi retorted nonchalantly.

"Mark yourself as safe."

The plan was.. yuji has to look to make contact with hakari on the inside while Megumi attempts to sneak into the parking garage from the outside. This is risky because the fight club already has their eyes on megumi and if he gets caught they will distrust itadori as well.

"Also here, a walkie-talkie so we can update you." Itadori reached out to hand you the walkie-talkie.

You nodded and took it "Okay great. Also, goodluck to you! And so that means i can go back to master tengen's place?" Your eyes lit up.

Itadori and megumi exchanged looks to each other before looking back at you "Er... if you want."

"It's settled. I'll see you later!" You waved off and starts running to leave the place.

"Y/n!" Suddenly, megumi called out that made you stopped running.

"Ehh?" You narrowed your eyes in a slight confused way.

Megumi immediately stopped himself as his face turned red in embarrassment "I— forget it. Stay safe." He waved you off, trying to act nonchalant before they started moving.



You are currently walking for about 30 minutes now, you decided to stop to catch your breath properly. "Looks like i just escorted some two little kids to the fight club." You murmured while feeling a bit exhausted.

And then you heard few voices started catcalling you. There are few drunk men, drinking nearby outside the small store.

"Psst! Hey girly girl!" One of them called out and winked with a slurping sound.

This made you easily annoyed, and you hated it when men are calling at women in such way.

"Come here!" The other one motioned their hands for you to walk closer. Their eyes are filled with hunger and lust.

"What is such a cute girl like you walking alone hm?"

"Mmm you look so-"

Too soon. (Choso kamo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now