Chapter 33 - strand

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3rd person pov

"Wait are you crying?"

Choso turned to face away from yuki and tengen so now his back was instead facing them. He tightened his hand over his eyes whilst his tears kept trickling down.

"Choso what's with the tears." Tengen questioned calmly while giving him side glance.

Choso remained quiet for several seconds before speaking in a lower tone "Nothing."

"Seriously, you started crying when y/n and yuji left. They will be fine." Yuki tried to reassure him, but at the same time, she finds the way he cried quite amusing.

Choso sighed before wiping off the tears around his eyes "I'm just worried, that's all." He shifted a bit before recovering.

There's a minute of silence..

Both yuki and tengen raised ones' eyebrows. Tengen folded their arms ones again "By the way. About kugisaki y/n."

Choso turned around to face them real quick, being apprehensive "What about her?" He replied sounding curious and anxious.

"I'm still thinking about what okkotsu said. Whether it was a joke or not."

"He said what?" Choso arched an eyebrow.

"Y/n being your younger sister. Is it true or not."

"It's obviously not true though, and it was just okkotsu's thoughts." Yuki clapped twice and joined in the conversation.

Choso's irises went dilated, he can feel his blood rushing through his veins. He clicked his tongue before sighing "Stop mentioning that. It's false."

Yuki simply nodded and agreed "Also, yuji is his younger brother, just like yuji mentioned earlier when zenin maki asked." Yuki grinned lopsidedly at tengen while casually resting her hand on her hip.

"Okay, good." Tengen unfolded their arms before looking back at choso, whose expression that looks unexplainable now.

'What's the point.' Choso thought about tengen's response, and he can feel his annoyance rising up but he kept his cool.

"Anyways. What's your relationship with y/n? I'm curious the whole time." Yuki tilted her head.

Choso sighed again "tch stop asking. There's no point answering that for now— yet." His voice was firm.

"I also forgot her age." Yuki rubbed her chin.

"Just as old as itadori." Tengen replied.

"How about chos-" Yuki was cut off by none other than choso himself.

"So are we just gonna stand here or what?"

Choso crossed his arms over his chest in frustration before he turned away from them but remained in the same spot, he stayed expressionless.

Both yuki and tengen was slightly surprised at choso's sudden changes in mood. They narrowed their eyes while observing him.

'Why is he a little mean to us..' Yuki pondered inside her head.

"Alright. Just don't forget of what you are assigned to guard here." Tengen reminded them before moving.

Both choso and yuki followed behind. And as they walk, there was a small visible smile forming on choso's lips as he gently pulled out a strand of y/n's hair that was left his on palm.

It was the time he carried her unconscious body, he purposely pulled one strand very carefully, so that everytime she's away, he can still feel her. He's already attached.

Too soon. (Choso kamo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now